Frank Gifford was born in 1973, age 50. Frank Gifford's address is 4412 Charles Drive , Lorain, OH 44053. Possible relatives include Mary Benko, Wendy Broughton and 7 others. Public records show Frank has also lived in Lombard, IL and Amherst, OH. Frank's latest phone number is (440) 282-1331. Previous phone numbers include (440) 282-6415 and (440) 309-6648. The latest email address for Frank Gifford is dia****
Frank Gifford's current address is 1321 Marsh Line Court Southwest, Shallotte, NC 28470. Frank's age is 68 years old (1955). Phone numbers associated with Frank are (203) 231-6834 and (203) 271-0401. Frank has also lived in Cheshire, CT and Hamden, CT. The latest email used to communicate with Frank Gifford is chi****
Frank Gifford's birthday is 11/19/1955, and is 68 years old. Frank's home address is 1746 Watt Street , Schenectady, NY 12304. Associates and relatives include Lakisha Britt, Amy Gifford and others. Latest phone numbers include (518) 377-4996 and (727) 525-4175.
Frank Gifford's address is: 15326 La Salos Drive , Whittier, CA 90603. Address history includes Huntington Beach and La Palma. Some of Frank Gifford's relatives are Ann Gifford, Barbara Gifford and others. The phone number we have for Frank is (562) 309-5763.
Frank Gifford was born in 1931, age 93. Frank Gifford's address is 2639 County Line Road , Telford, PA 18969. Possible relatives include Karen Debenedetta, Catherine Gifford and 9 others. Public records show Frank has also lived in North Fort Myers, FL and Gilbertsville, PA. Frank's latest phone number is (215) 721-9898. Previous phone numbers include (215) 723-2788.
Frank Gifford's current address is 2639 County Line Road #326, Telford, PA 18969. Frank's age is 62 years old (1961). Phone numbers associated with Frank are (215) 341-7724 and (215) 416-0316.
Frank Gifford's birthday is 01/01/1939, and is 85 years old. Frank's home address is 12 Pinion Pine Lane , Queensbury, NY 12804. Associates and relatives include Connie Ferraro, Francis Gifford and others. Latest phone numbers include (518) 321-2896 and (518) 636-6150. Frank's email is bat****
Frank Gifford's address is: 4305 Sugar Cane Avenue , Bakersfield, CA 93313. Address history includes Bakersfield and Monterey. Some of Frank Gifford's relatives are Craig Gifford, Elaine Gifford and others. The phone number we have for Frank is (661) 834-7256.
Frank Gifford was born in 1970, age 53. Frank Gifford's address is 1369 West Shore Road , Warwick, RI 02889. Possible relatives include Kathleen Benoit, Carol Gifford and others. Public records show Frank has also lived in Rehoboth, MA and Cranston, RI. Frank's latest phone number is (401) 641-6710. Previous phone numbers include (401) 739-3231.
Frank Gifford's current address is 5 Po Box , Mc Kinney, KY 40448.
Frank Gifford's birthday is 09/02/1959, and is 65 years old. Frank's home address is 830 14th Street Unit 9, Heyburn, ID 83336. Associates and relatives include Beandon Gifford, Brenda Gifford and others. Latest phone numbers include (208) 260-1825 and (208) 436-6865.
Frank Gifford's address is: 35 Bog Road , Mount Vernon, ME 04352. Some of Frank Gifford's relatives are Deb Gif, Asher Gifford and others. The phone number we have for Frank is (207) 293-2585. Frank Gifford's email address is deb****
Frank Gifford was born in 1965, age 59. Frank Gifford's address is 2904 Bain Road , Cambridge, ID 83610. Possible relatives include Pam Bender, Annie Crosby and 11 others. Public records show Frank has also lived in Cambridge, ID and Midvale, ID. Frank's latest phone number is (208) 257-3233. Previous phone numbers include (208) 257-3483 and (208) 739-6047. The latest email address for Frank Gifford is gif****
Frank Gifford's current address is 228 North Grove Street , Ypsilanti, MI 48198. Frank's age is 72 years old (1951). Phone numbers associated with Frank are (734) 483-4197. Frank has also lived in Belleville, MI. The latest email used to communicate with Frank Gifford is ffr****
Frank Gifford's birthday is 04/17/1980, and is 44 years old. Frank's home address is 124 Incarnate Word Drive , Kenner, LA 70065. Associates and relatives include Giselle Gifford, Jose Gifford and others. Latest phone numbers include (504) 535-3300 and (504) 905-0437. Frank's email is gif****
Frank Gifford's address is: 11103 Annaville Road , Corpus Christi, TX 78410. Address history includes Corpus Christi. Some of Frank Gifford's relatives are Alden Gifford, Alfred Gifford and others. The phone number we have for Frank is (361) 876-2911. Frank Gifford's email address is alf****
Frank Gifford was born in 1957, age 67. Frank Gifford's address is 30 Wishbone Lane , Wantagh, NY 11793. Possible relatives include Rosemarie Daina, Denise Gifford and 2 others. Public records show Frank has also lived in Marietta, GA and Glendale, NY. Frank's latest phone number is (516) 270-7532. Previous phone numbers include (516) 605-0452 and (516) 796-0628. The latest email address for Frank Gifford is dgi****
Frank Gifford's current address is 3070 Big Pass Lane , Punta Gorda, FL 33955. Frank's age is 93 years old (1931). Phone numbers associated with Frank are (215) 721-6969. Frank has also lived in Punta Gorda, FL and Philadelphia, PA.
Frank Gifford's birthday is 08/16/1930, and is 94 years old. Frank's home address is 108 Cedar Cliff Road , Riverside, CT 06878. Associates and relatives include Astrid Clifford, Cassidy Gifford and others. Latest phone numbers include (203) 637-4571 and (203) 637-4698. Frank's email is ali****
Frank Gifford's address is: 12 East 12th Street , Ocean City, NJ 08226. Address history includes Atlantic City and Cape May Court House. The phone number we have for Frank is (609) 398-1242.
Frank Gifford was born in 1929, age 94. Frank Gifford's address is 1746 Watt Street , Schenectady, NY 12304. Possible relatives include Lakisha Britt, Elizabeth Gifford and 5 others. Frank's latest phone number is (518) 377-4996. Previous phone numbers include (518) 692-2293 and (727) 525-4175.
Frank Gifford's current address is 1045 Bedford Avenue , Columbus, GA 31907. Frank's age is 47 years old (1977). Phone numbers associated with Frank are (518) 377-4996 and (706) 221-3333. Frank has also lived in Columbus, GA and Eagle Bridge, NY.
Frank Gifford's birthday is 07/02/1928, and is 96 years old. Associates and relatives include Francis Gifford, Renate Gifford and others. Latest phone numbers include (562) 860-3966 and (562) 964-7717. Frank's email is fgi****
Frank Gifford's address is: 261 Kingsfield Drive , Souderton, PA 18964. Address history includes Punta Gorda and Philadelphia. Some of Frank Gifford's relatives are Karen Debenedetta, Catherine Gifford and others. The phone number we have for Frank is (215) 480-2044. Frank Gifford's email address is fgi****
Frank Gifford was born in 1937, age 87. Frank Gifford's address is 235 Unity Road , Thorndike, ME 04986. Possible relatives include Maryanne Davis, Cindy Gifford and 5 others. Frank's latest phone number is (207) 568-3017. The latest email address for Frank Gifford is fpg****
Results 1 - 25 of 76