Christine Barnes was born in 1973, age 51. Christine Barnes's address is 1318 Fenwick Drive , Lynchburg, VA 24502. Possible relatives include Douglas Arthur Piercy, Christopher Barnes and 18 others. Public records show Christine has also lived in Fellsmere, FL and Monmouth Junction, NJ. Christine's latest phone number is (214) 558-4215. Previous phone numbers include (214) 987-1677 and (434) 237-1841. The latest email address for Christine Barnes is biz****
Christine Barnes's current address is 1610 N 16th Street , Clarksburg, WV 26301. Christine's age is 52 years old (1972). Phone numbers associated with Christine are (217) 652-8837 and (217) 932-4271. Christine has also lived in Bradenton, FL and Cocoa, FL. The latest email used to communicate with Christine Barnes is acs****
Christine Barnes's birthday is 07/01/1959, and is 65 years old. Christine's home address is 3678 Mechanicsburg Road , Wooster, OH 44691. Associates and relatives include Francis Barnes, Kameron Barnes and others. Latest phone numbers include (310) 684-6751 and (330) 345-8545. Christine's email is bba****
Christine Barnes's address is: 2196 Rugged Mesa Drive , Laughlin, NV 89029. Address history includes Bullhead City and Lake Havasu City. Some of Christine Barnes's relatives are Lou Ad, Andrew Barnes and others. The phone number we have for Christine is (702) 234-7134. Christine Barnes's email address is pri****
Christine Barnes was born in 1971, age 52. Christine Barnes's address is 3835 S Highway 12, Baraboo, WI 53913. Possible relatives include Charles Barnes, Dan Barnes and 29 others. Public records show Christine has also lived in Baraboo, WI. Christine's latest phone number is (219) 659-0932. Previous phone numbers include (252) 447-1253 and (708) 237-0955. The latest email address for Christine Barnes is chr****
Christine Barnes's current address is 20625 Stratford Road , Detroit, MI 48221. Christine's age is 54 years old (1969). Phone numbers associated with Christine are (313) 272-8580 and (313) 341-6825. Christine has also lived in Baton Rouge, LA and Ferndale, MI. The latest email used to communicate with Christine Barnes is csu****
Christine Barnes's birthday is 01/28/1969, and is 55 years old. Christine's home address is 104 Magerton Court , Cary, NC 27511. Associates and relatives include Betty Barefoot, William Barefoot and others. Latest phone numbers include (919) 231-0360 and (919) 319-6831. Christine's email is chr****
Christine Barnes's address is: 1404 Boulder Court , Hanover, MD 21076. Address history includes Sacramento and Glen Burnie. Some of Christine Barnes's relatives are Christine Barnes, James Barnes and others. The phone number we have for Christine is (410) 486-5046. Christine Barnes's email address is bar****
Christine Barnes was born in 1964, age 60. Christine Barnes's address is 2707 Pennington Road , Tyrone, PA 16686. Possible relatives include Deanna Barnes, James Barnes and 6 others. Public records show Christine has also lived in Ashville, PA and Duncansville, PA. Christine's latest phone number is (717) 667-2238. Previous phone numbers include (717) 667-3297 and (814) 632-3150.
Christine Barnes's current address is 109 1st Street , Dalton, MA 01226. Christine's age is 52 years old (1972). Phone numbers associated with Christine are (413) 443-2395 and (413) 464-0471. The latest email used to communicate with Christine Barnes is cdu****
Christine Barnes's birthday is 08/08/1965, and is 59 years old. Christine's home address is 1405 Illinois Avenue , Severn, MD 21144. Associates and relatives include Herbert Barnes, Nina Barnes and others. Latest phone numbers include (410) 354-8078 and (410) 969-7308. Christine's email is blo****
Christine Barnes's address is: 3707 Shoreline Circle , Panama City, FL 32405. Address history includes Panama City and Panama City Beach. Some of Christine Barnes's relatives are Bryan Barnes, Carol Barnes and others. The phone number we have for Christine is (269) 651-1549. Christine Barnes's email address is ayt****
Christine Barnes was born in 1974, age 49. Christine Barnes's address is 431 S Vine Street , Marion, OH 43302. Possible relatives include Shirley Ashford, Shirley Barker and 31 others. Public records show Christine has also lived in Concord, CA and Groton, CT. Christine's latest phone number is (252) 443-7793. Previous phone numbers include (252) 519-3000 and (252) 578-4870. The latest email address for Christine Barnes is 01@****
Christine Barnes's current address is 83 Pushaw Station Road , Sunderland, MD 20689. Christine's age is 55 years old (1969). Phone numbers associated with Christine are (240) 281-5070 and (240) 354-1392. Christine has also lived in Acton, MA and Capitol Heights, MD. The latest email used to communicate with Christine Barnes is bch****
Christine Barnes's birthday is 09/02/1965, and is 59 years old. Christine's home address is 3778 Michael John Drive , Belleville, IL 62226. Associates and relatives include Donald Barnes, Gail Barnes and others. Latest phone numbers include (214) 891-0770 and (618) 206-8959. Christine's email is chr****
Christine Barnes's address is: 401 Mathew Street South, Shenandoah, IA 51603. Address history includes Shenandoah and Belton. Some of Christine Barnes's relatives are Bill Barnes, Brenda Barnes and others. The phone number we have for Christine is (402) 235-2450. Christine Barnes's email address is c.b****
Christine Barnes was born in 1965, age 59. Christine Barnes's address is 141 Franklin Road , Foster, RI 02825. Possible relatives include Richard Andreoui, Christopher Andreozzi and 18 others. Public records show Christine has also lived in Cranston, RI and Johnston, RI. Christine's latest phone number is (401) 231-4049. Previous phone numbers include (401) 349-4587 and (401) 351-5224. The latest email address for Christine Barnes is chr****
Christine Barnes's current address is 1920 Moore Road , Woodland, MI 48897. Christine's age is 63 years old (1960). Phone numbers associated with Christine are (269) 317-8208 and (269) 367-9644.
Christine Barnes's birthday is 10/07/1964, and is 59 years old. Christine's home address is 4110 108th Street Southwest, Lakewood, WA 98499. Associates and relatives include Cleopatra Barnes, John Barnes and others. Latest phone numbers include (253) 212-2077 and (253) 212-2297. Christine's email is big****
Christine Barnes's address is: 6330 Fairhope Lane , Cumming, GA 30040. Address history includes Augusta and Dahlonega. Some of Christine Barnes's relatives are David Aycock, Kyle Aycock and others. The phone number we have for Christine is (706) 364-1612.
Christine Barnes was born in 1946, age 78. Christine Barnes's address is 1688 Teal Circle , Tuscaloosa, AL 35405. Possible relatives include Danny Barnes, Graden Barnes and 9 others. Public records show Christine has also lived in Flat Rock, MI and Ithaca, MI. Christine's latest phone number is (205) 394-1878. Previous phone numbers include (205) 394-1880 and (205) 507-3471. The latest email address for Christine Barnes is chr****
Christine Barnes's current address is 153 Toyon Lane , Sausalito, CA 94965. Christine's age is 67 years old (1957). Phone numbers associated with Christine are (775) 843-0943 and (775) 843-4309. Christine has also lived in Novato, CA and San Rafael, CA. The latest email used to communicate with Christine Barnes is chr****
Christine Barnes's birthday is 01/29/1972, and is 52 years old. Christine's home address is 350 Bill Ebarb Road , Noble, LA 71462. Associates and relatives include Aaron Barnes, Charles Barnes and others. Latest phone numbers include (318) 228-9789 and (318) 645-2380. Christine's email is bar****
Christine Barnes's address is: 139 Ryerson Avenue #3, Paterson, NJ 07544. Address history includes San Diego and Haines City. Some of Christine Barnes's relatives are Andrew Barnes, Brian Barnes and others. The phone number we have for Christine is (863) 815-1596. Christine Barnes's email address is git****
Christine Barnes was born in 1969, age 54. Christine Barnes's address is 8220 Sorrel Lane , Fort Wayne, IN 46825. Possible relatives include Brandon Barnes, Connie Barnes and 4 others. Public records show Christine has also lived in Columbia City, IN and Columbus, IN. Christine's latest phone number is (260) 244-3614. Previous phone numbers include (260) 248-8750 and (260) 609-0697. The latest email address for Christine Barnes is cba****
Results 1 - 25 of 602