Shantay Bass was born in 1968, age 56. Shantay Bass's address is 4930 Polk Street Apt 51, North Highlands, CA 95660. Possible relatives include Toni Gregory, Sharday Thomas and others. Public records show Shantay has also lived in Palo Alto, CA and Redwood City, CA. Shantay's latest phone number is (650) 323-1634. Previous phone numbers include (650) 339-2255 and (916) 339-2255. The latest email address for Shantay Bass is pre****
Susan Venegas Kemper's current address is 8052 Kokoma Drive , Las Vegas, NV 89128. Susan's age is 55 years old (1969). Phone numbers associated with Susan are (702) 233-4140 and (702) 241-7614. Susan has also lived in Antelope, CA and Citrus Heights, CA. The latest email used to communicate with Susan Venegas Kemper is ari****
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