Shaneka Burno's address is 1201 Oak Drive Se # A201, Washington, DC 20032. Possible relatives include Bernard Bruno, Antoinett Burno and 7 others. Public records show Shaneka has also lived in Washington, DC and Oxon Hill, MD. Shaneka's latest phone number is (202) 373-1349. Previous phone numbers include (202) 388-1814 and (202) 487-8502. The latest email address for Shaneka Burno is nek****
Delores Burno's current address is 4202 East Capitol Street Northeast Apartment 204, Washington, DC 20019. Delores's age is 71 years old (1953). Phone numbers associated with Delores are (202) 388-0215 and (202) 388-1814. Delores has also lived in Washington, DC.
Evander Belk's birthday is 08/23/1956, and is 68 years old. Evander's home address is 6130 Banks Place Northeast, Washington, DC 20019. Associates and relatives include Roscoe Belk, Roslyn Belk and others. Latest phone numbers include (202) 396-9290 and (301) 808-6664.
Deborah King's address is: 2009 Trenton Place Se # 204, Washington, DC 20020. Address history includes Washington. Some of Deborah King's relatives are David King, David Ricks and others.
Eugenia Harris was born in 1915, age 109. Eugenia Harris's address is 4202 E Capitol Street Ne Apt 204, Washington, DC 20019. Possible relatives include Raymond Harris. Eugenia's latest phone number is (301) 292-7430. Previous phone numbers include (301) 853-4671.
Kevin Burno's current address is 4202 E Capitol Street Ne Apt 204, Washington, DC 20019. Kevin's age is 83 years old (1941). Phone numbers associated with Kevin are (202) 388-0215 and (202) 388-1814. The latest email used to communicate with Kevin Burno is fre****
Raymond Harris's birthday is 10/31/1915, and is 109 years old. Raymond's home address is 6020 Sargent Road Apt 2212, Hyattsville, MD 20782. Associates and relatives include Egenia Harris.
Roslyn Belk's address is: 7023 Independence Street , Capitol Heights, MD 20743. Address history includes Washington and Alexandria. Some of Roslyn Belk's relatives are Evander Belk, Roscoe Belk and others. The phone number we have for Roslyn is (202) 236-4229. Roslyn Belk's email address is bel****
Results 1 - 8 of 8