Emily Shaw's address is 465 Saddleback Road , Marion, IA 52302. Possible relatives include Laura Dotson, David Pettit and 1 others. Emily's latest phone number is (319) 241-0423. Previous phone numbers include (319) 329-2841 and (319) 550-8223. The latest email address for Emily Shaw is emi****@ruffalonl.com.
Roger Cole's current address is 2708 Morningdove Lane , Hiawatha, IA 52233. Roger's age is 65 years old (1959). Phone numbers associated with Roger are (319) 241-7433 and (319) 362-6786. Roger has also lived in Cedar Rapids, IA and Marion, IA. The latest email used to communicate with Roger Cole is rog****@yahoo.com.
Joe Shaw's birthday is 12/09/1971, and is 52 years old. Joe's home address is 358 19th Street Southeast, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403. Associates and relatives include Laura Dotson, Emily Shaw and others. Latest phone numbers include (319) 366-2917 and (319) 462-0120. Joe's email is jsh****@aol.com.
Larry Cole's address is: 2423 1st Street Southwest, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404. Address history includes Colorado Springs and Palo. Some of Larry Cole's relatives are June Cole, Margaret Cole and others. The phone number we have for Larry is (319) 826-2014.
Jennifer Barten was born in 1974, age 49. Jennifer Barten's address is 331 36th Street Ne, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402. Possible relatives include Brian Barten, Marcia Barten and 3 others. Jennifer's latest phone number is (319) 398-3376. The latest email address for Jennifer Barten is jen****@advancementresources.org.
Laura Dotson's current address is 331 36th Street Ne, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402. Laura's age is 50 years old (1974). Phone numbers associated with Laura are (319) 373-0020 and (319) 521-1261. Laura has also lived in Cedar Rapids, IA and Ely, IA.
Results 1 - 6 of 6