Kathleen Vanderlende was born in 1984, age 40. Kathleen Vanderlende's address is 3301 West Michigan Avenue , Kalamazoo, MI 49006. Possible relatives include Ann Lende, Gregory Lende and 12 others. Public records show Kathleen has also lived in Ada, MI and Caledonia, MI. Kathleen's latest phone number is (269) 267-8015. Previous phone numbers include (269) 321-0497 and (269) 321-0842.
William Vanderlende's current address is 2703 Sugarloaf Avenue , Portage, MI 49024. William's age is 66 years old (1958). Phone numbers associated with William are (269) 720-3832 and (616) 321-0848. William has also lived in Alpharetta, GA and Ada, MI. The latest email used to communicate with William Vanderlende is wil****@worldnet.att.net.
Kenneth Ward's birthday is 03/13/1949, and is 75 years old. Kenneth's home address is 1531 Sunset Point Drive , Muskegon, MI 49441. Associates and relatives include Diane Ward, Eric Ward and others. Latest phone numbers include (231) 457-4544 and (231) 747-9784. Kenneth's email is kwa****@charter.net.
Ahmad Sims's address is: 1948 Ball Avenue Northeast, Grand Rapids, MI 49505. Some of Ahmad Sims's relatives are Latoya Mcneil, Abdul Sims and others. The phone number we have for Ahmad is (616) 364-4069.
Latoya Mcneil was born in 1980, age 44. Latoya Mcneil's address is 2839 Hollis Drive Ne, Grand Rapids, MI 49505. Possible relatives include Felicia Mcneil, Ahmad Sims and 3 others. Latoya's latest phone number is (616) 889-9729. The latest email address for Latoya Mcneil is mcn****@dteenergy.com.
Felicia Mcneil's current address is 2839 Hollis Drive Ne, Grand Rapids, MI 49505. Felicia's age is 64 years old (1960). Phone numbers associated with Felicia are (616) 361-2331 and (616) 365-2656.
Eric Ward's birthday is 08/17/1980, and is 44 years old. Eric's home address is 1106 W Congress Street , Lafayette, LA 70501. Associates and relatives include Michael Pronesti, Varsha Vijay and others.
Ann Vanderlende's address is: 2727 Jackson Road , Wentzville, MO 63385. Address history includes Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo. Some of Ann Vanderlende's relatives are Brett Hanke, James Hanke and others. The phone number we have for Ann is (314) 770-1753. Ann Vanderlende's email address is aha****@flash.net.
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