Roberta Walburn was born in 1922, age 102. Roberta Walburn's address is 3572 Quebec Trail , Wayland, MI 49348. Possible relatives include Marijo Tibbets, Max Walburn and others. Public records show Roberta has also lived in Clearwater, FL and Safety Harbor, FL. Roberta's latest phone number is (727) 726-3004. Previous phone numbers include (813) 726-3004.
John Huber's current address is 13948 Jet Drive , Big Rapids, MI 49307. John's age is 107 years old (1917). Phone numbers associated with John are (616) 724-1787. John has also lived in Naples, FL and Grand Rapids, MI.
Clare Lewis's birthday is 08/18/1921, and is 103 years old. Clare's home address is 5673 Leisure South Drive Southeast, Grand Rapids, MI 49548. Associates and relatives include Aurora Lewis, Gregory Lewis and others. Latest phone numbers include (616) 455-1118. Clare's email is cla****
Mabel Shorey's address is: 2402 Barfield Drive Southeast, Grand Rapids, MI 49546. Address history includes Clearwater. Some of Mabel Shorey's relatives are Elizabeth Shorey, Francis Shorey and others. The phone number we have for Mabel is (616) 940-9994. Mabel Shorey's email address is mdi****
Clifford Hodgins was born in 1925, age 98. Clifford Hodgins's address is 2036 Wendover Drive Northwest, Grand Rapids, MI 49504. Possible relatives include Peggy Hodgins. Public records show Clifford has also lived in Grand Rapids, MI. Clifford's latest phone number is (616) 453-9418. The latest email address for Clifford Hodgins is guy****
Peggy Hodgins's current address is 2036 Wendover Drive Northwest, Grand Rapids, MI 49504. Peggy's age is 97 years old (1927). Phone numbers associated with Peggy are (616) 453-9418. Peggy has also lived in Grand Rapids, MI. The latest email used to communicate with Peggy Hodgins is guy****
Lois Short's birthday is 11/28/1925, and is 98 years old. Lois's home address is 5736 Leisure South Drive Southeast, Grand Rapids, MI 49548. Associates and relatives include Howard Short. Latest phone numbers include (616) 455-8533. Lois's email is hol****
Frank Shorey's address is: 2900 Thornhills Avenue Se Apt 351, Grand Rapids, MI 49546. Address history includes Clearwater. Some of Frank Shorey's relatives are Francis Shorey, Mabel Shorey and others.
Mary Hoffman's address is 1305 Walker Avenue Nw Apt 3308, Grand Rapids, MI 49504. Possible relatives include Eileen Hoffman. Public records show Mary has also lived in Grand Rapids, MI.
William Duoba's current address is 1305 Walker Avenue Nw Apt 3308, Grand Rapids, MI 49504. William's age is 108 years old (1915). William has also lived in Grand Rapids, MI.
Helen Lewis's birthday is 04/03/1926, and is 98 years old. Helen's home address is 1305 Walker Avenue Nw Apt 3308, Grand Rapids, MI 49504. Associates and relatives include Aurora Lewis, Clare Lewis and others.
Max Walburn's address is: 1305 Walker Avenue Nw Apt 3308, Grand Rapids, MI 49504. Some of Max Walburn's relatives are Marijo Tibbets, Roberta Walburn and others. The phone number we have for Max is (727) 726-3004.
Howard Short was born in 1925, age 98. Howard Short's address is 1305 Walker Avenue Nw Apt 3308, Grand Rapids, MI 49504. Possible relatives include Lois Short. Public records show Howard has also lived in Grand Rapids, MI and Kent City, MI. Howard's latest phone number is (616) 455-8533.
Lillian Duoba's current address is 1305 Walker Avenue Nw Apt 3308, Grand Rapids, MI 49504. Lillian's age is 103 years old (1921). Lillian has also lived in Grand Rapids, MI.
Mary Kinley's birthday is 11/08/1926, and is 97 years old. Mary's home address is 4111 Englewood Avenue , Yakima, WA 98908. Associates and relatives include Kinley Mc, Carolyn Mckinley and others. Latest phone numbers include (206) 325-3608 and (206) 722-2066. Mary's email is mar****
Results 1 - 15 of 15