Randy Shapiro was born in 1953, age 71. Randy Shapiro's address is 2110 Scenic Bay Drive , Arlington, TX 76013. Possible relatives include Tracy Allen, Ehricka Goolsby and 3 others. Public records show Randy has also lived in West Palm Beach, FL and Hammond, IN. Randy's latest phone number is (817) 496-9583. The latest email address for Randy Shapiro is d_b****@hotmail.com.
Randy Shapiro's current address is 139 Skyview Drive , Stamford, CT 06902. Randy's age is 60 years old (1964). Phone numbers associated with Randy are (203) 289-5438 and (203) 325-9883. Randy has also lived in New York, NY. The latest email used to communicate with Randy Shapiro is ran****@gmail.com.
Randy Shapiro's birthday is 04/01/1980, and is 44 years old. Randy's home address is 2105 Bay Club Drive , Arlington, TX 76096. Associates and relatives include Ehricka Goolsby, Brandi Rivera and others. Latest phone numbers include (551) 655-7576 and (817) 291-2361. Randy's email is rsh****@netscape.com.
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