Patsy Darden was born in 1966, age 57. Patsy Darden's address is 231 Baywood Circle , Lagrange, GA 30240. Possible relatives include Cordie Darden, Glenn Darden and 6 others. Public records show Patsy has also lived in Lagrange, GA.
Patsy Darden's current address is 6837 Margaret Drive , Fort Worth, TX 76140. Patsy's age is 76 years old (1947). Phone numbers associated with Patsy are (682) 554-4647 and (817) 483-0712. Patsy has also lived in Arlington, TX and Forest Hill, TX.
Patsy Darden's birthday is 09/01/1948, and is 76 years old. Patsy's home address is 404 South 10th Street , Independence, KS 67301. Associates and relatives include Brian Darden. Latest phone numbers include (316) 331-0020 and (620) 330-0650.
Patsy Darden's address is: 2701 Wilbur Drive , Amarillo, TX 79110. Address history includes Amarillo. Some of Patsy Darden's relatives are Kenneth Darden, Rod Darden and others. The phone number we have for Patsy is (806) 353-0109.
Patsy Darden was born in 1957, age 67. Patsy Darden's address is 15412 Manor Village Lane , Rockville, MD 20853. Possible relatives include Mary Bailey, John Darden and 13 others. Public records show Patsy has also lived in Bowie, MD and Capitol Heights, MD. Patsy's latest phone number is (301) 809-1972. Previous phone numbers include (301) 927-8774 and (301) 929-1563. The latest email address for Patsy Darden is pdd****
Patsy Darden's current address is 1205 Raney Drive , Longview, TX 75602. Patsy's age is 87 years old (1937). Phone numbers associated with Patsy are (903) 235-2658 and (903) 753-5102. Patsy has also lived in Longview, TX.
Patsy Darden's birthday is 03/20/1930, and is 94 years old. Patsy's home address is 791 Quarry Road , Brenham, TX 77833. Associates and relatives include Clara Darden, Don Darden and others. Latest phone numbers include (409) 830-8072 and (979) 251-9582.
Patsy Darden's address is: 357 Stage Road , Charlotte, TN 37036. Address history includes Charlotte. Some of Patsy Darden's relatives are Rochelle Corlew, Albert Darden and others. The phone number we have for Patsy is (615) 789-4943.
Patsy Darden was born in 1960, age 64. Patsy Darden's address is 1066 Newton Lane , Valley, AL 36854. Possible relatives include Alvin Brooks, Lekeith Brooks and 12 others. Public records show Patsy has also lived in Trussville, AL. Patsy's latest phone number is (205) 655-8562. Previous phone numbers include (334) 655-8562 and (334) 710-2085.
Patsy Darden's current address is 1884 Cumberland Heights Road , Clarksville, TN 37040. Patsy's age is 86 years old (1938). Phone numbers associated with Patsy are (931) 503-1307. Patsy has also lived in Charleston, IL.
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