Frank Lines was born in 1960, age 64. Frank Lines's address is 444 E Gentry Drive , Pueblo, CO 81007. Possible relatives include Noel Brower, James Lines and 3 others. Public records show Frank has also lived in Chico, CA and San Jose, CA. Frank's latest phone number is (408) 264-0334. Previous phone numbers include (408) 890-0961. The latest email address for Frank Lines is fra****
Frank Lines's current address is 23015 Po Box , Glade Park, CO 81523. Frank's age is 98 years old (1925). Phone numbers associated with Frank are (650) 802-0127 and (650) 802-0201.
Frank Lines's birthday is 07/05/1909, and is 115 years old. Frank's home address is 737 Canyon Drive , Castle Rock, CO 80104.
Frank Lines's address is: 9710 W Oak Ridge Drive , Sun City, AZ 85351. Some of Frank Lines's relatives are Gertrude Lines.
Frank Lines was born in 1971, age 53. Frank Lines's address is 106 Jasmine Way , Portland, TN 37148. Possible relatives include Shawn Heindl, Rachel Lines and others. Public records show Frank has also lived in Greenville, OH and Lima, OH. Frank's latest phone number is (615) 323-7740. Previous phone numbers include (615) 477-6667 and (615) 585-3476.
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