Bob Shapiro was born in 1934, age 91. Bob Shapiro's address is 4755 Kraft Avenue , North Hollywood, CA 91602. Possible relatives include Nancy Cohen, Robin Eisenstein and 8 others. Public records show Bob has also lived in Englewood, NJ. Bob's latest phone number is (212) 315-5529. Previous phone numbers include (212) 489-2176 and (212) 586-0594.
Bob Shapiro's current address is 175 Middlebrook Drive , Fayetteville, GA 30215. Bob's age is 62 years old (1962). Phone numbers associated with Bob are (202) 276-4069 and (202) 321-4360. Bob has also lived in Canoga Park, CA and Los Angeles, CA. The latest email used to communicate with Bob Shapiro is bob****
Bob Shapiro's birthday is 10/26/1933, and is 91 years old. Bob's home address is 300 W 55th Street , New York, NY 10019.
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