How Much Is a Background Check? Your Guide to the Cost

Cindy Ellis - September 4, 2022

Worker sitting at computer with background check form

Background checks are an important step in obtaining a job, and employers will often require a background check report before they extend a job offer. However, the background check process can be confusing, especially to those new to hiring procedures, and can bring questions about the cost of obtaining a background check.

This article will discuss why background checks are necessary, what is included in one, and what you can expect to pay for a background check requested by an employer. Read on to learn more!

Why Are Background Checks Necessary?

Background checks are a necessary part of the hiring process as they help to ensure that job candidates are honest, suited for the job tasks, and possess the necessary qualifications. Additionally, background checks help employers ensure that the workplace remains safe and that they meet all proper hiring criteria, preventing bad hires and negligent hiring practices.

That said, background checks can be anxiety-inducing for many individuals, especially if you aren’t too sure what your potential employer will be checking for and how much it may cost.

For the most part, specific background check requests and cost requirements will be discussed with you by your potential employer, but we give you a general overview of what might be expected during the background check process below.

What’s Included in a Background Check?

Your background check will include reports about several aspects of your personal and professional history to give employers a complete picture of your qualifications and your identity. The most commonly looked at elements of a background check are criminal and civil records, employment history, and driving records. Employers may also view your education history, verify your professional qualifications, check your credit history, and verify your identity and social security number.

It is also important to note that a few different types of background checks are available. Employers are required to receive your written consent before performing a background check, and in most states, they must tell you which items they are looking into.

How long a background check takes and the overall cost of the background check report depends on the type of check they are conducting, such as criminal, credit, identity, or a combination of background information.

The Cost of a Background Check

How much a background check costs depends on a number of factors, such as how in-depth the report needs to be, the third-party agency or online source you are obtaining the report through, and the turnaround time for the background check.

Depending on who is requesting the background check, you may be required to pay for the report yourself, or the employer will pay for the report. You will need to check directly with the entity asking for the report to see what is expected.

In cases where you’ll need to submit your own background check, you can expect to pay between $10 and $100. More basic criminal and civil background checks will be cheaper, while extensive background checks and international background checks will be much more expensive. If the background check needs to be conducted across several states, this can also add to the cost, as can adding credit report checking (additional credit report checks can cost between $20 and $40). However, if it’s a condition of employment, the agency will often foot the cost.

Online background check services, such as, can be cheaper, and free government websites like e-verify can help cut the costs of background check reporting.

How Long Do Background Checks Take?

The length of time for a background check report to be returned depends on how in-depth the report needs to be, the agency or online service conducting the report, and the type of background check. General turnaround time for background checks is between 3 and 5 business days, but extensive criminal background checks can take up to a week. Credit report checks typically have shorter turnaround times, and international or federal background checks will usually be part of a process that takes a few weeks to complete.

Occasionally, you can pay an extra fee to expedite the processing of your background check, but whether or not this is possible depends on the agency or online reporting system you use.

Preparing Yourself for the Background Check Process

When it comes to obtaining a background check report, there are a few things that you can do to prepare yourself for the process. To start with, you should double-check any of your social media accounts or online public profiles. While these aren’t included in a background check report, they can often be found by employers and used to evaluate your suitability as a candidate for the job.

However, keep in mind that there is certain information employers cannot use to evaluate your suitability, such as your gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, or health records. Some states also prohibit using information gathered from social media profiles to make hiring decisions, but you will need to verify this with the employment laws in your state.

Additionally, to prepare yourself for what an employer might see on your background check, you can run one yourself. This will give you an idea of what is included in the report and will help you identify any items that might be of concern. Being open and straightforward about potential red flags with employers may be helpful in the hiring process, but this should be evaluated case-by-case.

If you’re interested in running a background check on yourself, you can use the tools on and gain a report of all the information an employer might have access to.

As a final step, you should also be aware of employment rights in your state and understand what a potential employer is or is not allowed to ask you. This can help you navigate the background check process safely and securely. Again, performing state-specific research on employment laws or speaking to a legal professional can help you with this.

Background Checks and Their Costs

When you’re asked to complete a background check, you may be overwhelmed trying to understand what the report will show and how much it could cost. However, while the cost of a background check varies based on a few factors, you most likely won’t need to pay a huge amount of money (or anything at all) to complete your background check.

Speak with your potential employer if you have any concerns about the background check process or questions about how much your background check should cost to make this essential part of the hiring process as smooth as possible.

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