How to Perform a Past Address Lookup: An Expert Guide

Cindy Ellis - August 22, 2023

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If you’re someone who’s moved around their whole life, it might be difficult to gather all of your old addresses. Unfortunately, this information is necessary for lenders, employers, and other institutions. This means that if you can’t produce your past addresses you might not get where you need to go.

Thankfully, you don’t have to have all of your addresses written down or known by memory. With our address lookup tool, you can learn about all of your past addresses.

Furthermore, our address lookup tool will help you learn about someone else’s address as well. All you need is your name, city, state, and current address. Don’t worry, you can still run the search with just someone’s name if that’s all you have.

Learn more below.

Can You Find a Past Address?

Yes, you can find a past address. Several tools are available to help you find a past address but the fastest method is to use’s address lookup tool. That, or a people search, will allow you to view someone’s public records. In these public records, you’ll find all of someone’s past addresses.

Some other methods also include checking financial records and old documents.

Is Finding Someone’s Past Address Legal?

Yes, finding someone’s past and current address is legal. Addresses are public records, so you can view information about their addresses legally when you run a public records search.

You can also legally obtain this information from a post office, or by asking them. That said, you’ll have a harder time getting it from a post office.

Why Is It Important to Know Your Past Address?

Knowing your past address is important for several reasons. First and foremost, it’s necessary for identity verification, and employers or educational institutions might ask for it.

Another reason to know your past address is to know where packages might be sent. For example, if you forgot to update your address, packages and mail might be going to the wrong place. These are only a few examples of why it’s important to find a past address.

Now that you know it’s possible, we’ll show you how to find someone’s past address.

How to Find Your Past Addresses

Past addresses aren’t always easy to find, especially if you’re someone who moved around a lot as a child. This makes it challenging to know where you came from and not having this information can result in you being unable to verify your identity. Fortunately, we have some methods that can help you.

These include:

  1. Address lookup
  2. Tax records
  3. Credit report
  4. Government websites
  5. Financial documents

1. Address Lookup

When you’re struggling to find your past address there’s no need to panic. Even if you don’t have old paperwork or financial records, we can help you find your past address. To do so, you’ll need to leverage our address lookup tool. With our address lookup tool, you can enter your name, address, state, and city to learn more about your public records.

When you open the full report, you’ll have access to all of your public records. This will reveal your past address and more information.

Some information you can find with an address lookup includes:

  • Past addresses
  • Current addresses
  • Information about an address
  • Phone numbers associated with an address
  • People associated with an address
  • Previous owners of an address
  • Whether an address is commercial or residential
  • Tax information about an address

This is only some of what you can find when you learn more about an address.

You can also run this search on other people’s addresses as long as you have their permission.

2. Tax Records

Another great way to find your past address is to look at your tax records. Tax records will show you the address you lived at when you filed. If you keep good records, or work with an accountant, this information should be readily available.

You can find your address on any tax form that you submitted for that year. In most cases, you can even find your tax records on multiple documents.

Another way to find your tax records is to visit the IRS website. will help you view your records, which will include your address. Visiting their website is usually faster than going through piles of old records.

3. Credit Report

Your credit report is a great place to check for information about your address. This report is available through public records search tools, apps like Credit Karma, and via your bank.

Viewing your credit report will show you old accounts that you had or current accounts. This helps because it shows you the address you used to sign up for a specific credit card or line of credit.

To get the most accurate information, we recommend requesting your credit report from somewhere directly linked to consumer credit bureaus, like Credit Karma.

4. Government Websites

Federal and state government websites will reveal information about your past address because it’s a public record.

You can leverage databases like the census bureau to find your past address. These websites are a great tool and dozens of databases are available depending on your needs. We recommend starting with databases in states that you used to live in.

While government websites are effective, we recommend using our address lookup tool instead. It has access to all of the databases you would search through all in one convenient location.

5. Financial Documents

Have old financial documents or bank statements laying around? If so, these documents can reveal information about your past address. This method is hit-or-miss because you’ll need the old documents. That said, it’s worth looking if all else has failed.

Old financial documents may also be available online through baking apps and credit bureaus. So, if you don’t have paper copies around, take your search online.

These are the best methods to find your past address, but other methods like finding old mail can also be effective.

How to Find Someone Else’s Past Addresses

Looking for someone else’s past address? We have a few methods that will help. Learn about each of these methods below.

They include:

  1. People Search
  2. Government websites
  3. Ask them or someone close to them

1. People Search

One of the best ways to find someone’s past address is to run a people search. These searches allow you to enter someone’s name, city, state, and address into a public records search tool. Once you select search, you can open a full report about someone’s public records.

While these tools are a dime a dozen, our people search tool is one of the best options you can find.

Our people search comes loaded with everything you need from a search tool. The tool is connected to millions of public records databases across the United States and it brings you results in under 10 minutes.

Moreover, it’s more affordable than most people search engines and you can even get some free searches with the free trial.

Additionally, you can learn far more about someone than just their past address. In fact, you can view their criminal records, court records, sex offender status, email addresses, and much more.

2. Government Websites

A government website is your second-best option for finding someone’s address, but it’s going to depend on what state you’re looking in. Some states have online public records you can search, but you may need to take a trip down to the county clerk’s office to get access.

While using government websites is effective for finding someone’s past address, you’re better off using our people search tool or address lookup tool. These tools are connected to millions of state and federal databases, which helps you gather information faster than searching them yourself. They’re also more likely to be up-to-date.

3. Ask Them or Someone Close to Them

Want to find someone’s address almost immediately? Ask them for it. If you’re close enough to someone they will tell you their past address if you ask. Furthermore, you can ask their friends or family members for their past addresses. This method can help you find someone’s current or past address.

That said, we recommend against this method if you don’t know them well enough. Additionally, you’re better off using a different method if you’re already supposed to know the address. That could get awkward.

Ultimately, finding someone’s past address is possible but you’ll have the best results with our search engine compared to something like Google.

Find Any Past Address Today

Past addresses are important for identity verification, finding your old mail, and much more. However, looking in the wrong place will send you down a long rabbit hole and take hours, days, or weeks to get results.

If you don’t have access to your old financial documents or credit information, we always recommend using our past address lookup tool to find what you’re looking for.

Not only does our tool help you find information about your past address, but it also helps you find information about anyone’s past address. So, what are you waiting for? Find your address with today.

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