Tammy Leblanc was born in 1970, age 53. Tammy Leblanc's address is 215 Stratton Ridge Road , Clute, TX 77531. Possible relatives include Floyd Leblanc, Jada Leblanc and 6 others. Public records show Tammy has also lived in Clute, TX and Huffman, TX. Tammy's latest phone number is (281) 324-2267. Previous phone numbers include (979) 265-5344 and (979) 266-7980.
George Ochoa's current address is 1818 Opal Peach Drive , Rosharon, TX 77583. George's age is 56 years old (1968). Phone numbers associated with George are (979) 233-3080 and (979) 244-5572. George has also lived in Winston Salem, NC and Angleton, TX.
Karl Kibodeaux's birthday is 08/26/1965, and is 59 years old. Karl's home address is 403 Dogwood Street , Lake Jackson, TX 77566. Associates and relatives include Arbelle Kibodeaux, Benjamin Kibodeaux and others. Latest phone numbers include (979) 236-0344 and (979) 266-9280. Karl's email is bjk****@hotmail.com.
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