Dorothy Taft was born in 1934, age 90. Dorothy Taft's address is 10651 Halfway Road , Elk Grove, CA 95624. Possible relatives include Sarah Javandel, Amber Taft and 3 others. Public records show Dorothy has also lived in Santa Clara, CA and Sunnyvale, CA. Dorothy's latest phone number is (218) 236-8907. Previous phone numbers include (916) 336-8443 and (916) 682-8258.
Calvin Jones's current address is 7132 Serenity Drive , Sacramento, CA 95823. Calvin's age is 86 years old (1937). Phone numbers associated with Calvin are (661) 822-8718 and (916) 278-1242. Calvin has also lived in Brownsville, CA and Clearlake, CA. The latest email used to communicate with Calvin Jones is cal****
Maaka Letuligasenoa's birthday is 10/28/1964, and is 59 years old. Maaka's home address is 8330 Sirani Court , Sacramento, CA 95828. Associates and relatives include Lefeagai Letuligasenoa, Noah Letuligasenoa and others. Latest phone numbers include (916) 205-5414 and (916) 366-6072. Maaka's email is all****
Titania Sanders's address is: 5801 79th Street , Sacramento, CA 95899. The phone number we have for Titania is (415) 685-1621. Titania Sanders's email address is rad****
Keith Taft was born in 1933, age 90. Keith Taft's address is 4737 Demaret Drive , Santa Clara, CA 95054. Possible relatives include Sarah Javandel, Amber Taft and 4 others. Public records show Keith has also lived in Ben Lomond, CA and Elk Grove, CA. Keith's latest phone number is (408) 988-2191. Previous phone numbers include (916) 336-8443 and (916) 682-8258.
Willy Saclolo's current address is 9680 Ronaldo Falls Way , Elk Grove, CA 95624. Willy's age is 73 years old (1951). Phone numbers associated with Willy are (916) 682-5804 and (916) 682-8258. Willy has also lived in Elk Grove, CA and Foothill Ranch, CA.
Results 1 - 6 of 6