Ronnetta Conkle was born in 1968, age 56. Ronnetta Conkle's address is 98 Columbus Road , Mount Vernon, OH 43050. Possible relatives include James Conkle, Ronnetta Shults and others. Public records show Ronnetta has also lived in Mount Vernon, OH. Ronnetta's latest phone number is (617) 287-5874. Previous phone numbers include (740) 392-3097 and (740) 392-9230. The latest email address for Ronnetta Conkle is fro****
John Weekley's current address is 411 Harcourt Road , Mount Vernon, OH 43050. John's age is 99 years old (1925). Phone numbers associated with John are (614) 397-3456 and (740) 393-3592. John has also lived in Port Charlotte, FL. The latest email used to communicate with John Weekley is joh****
Beatrice Weekley's birthday is 08/16/1925, and is 99 years old. Beatrice's home address is 501 Harcourt Road , Mount Vernon, OH 43050. Associates and relatives include Janet Weekley, John Weekley and others. Latest phone numbers include (614) 393-3592 and (614) 397-3456. Beatrice's email is bea****
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