Genevieve Delaurier was born in 1974, age 50. Genevieve Delaurier's address is 485 Saint Johns Place Apartment 1b, Brooklyn, NY 11238. Public records show Genevieve has also lived in Allston, MA and Arlington, MA. Genevieve's latest phone number is (607) 277-1447. Previous phone numbers include (718) 979-0455 and (917) 710-6909. The latest email address for Genevieve Delaurier is gen****
Andrew Avitabile's current address is 585 Greeley Avenue , Staten Island, NY 10306. Andrew's age is 50 years old (1974). Phone numbers associated with Andrew are (347) 934-3376 and (718) 422-8670. Andrew has also lived in Jacksonville, FL and Leesburg, FL. The latest email used to communicate with Andrew Avitabile is and****
Deborah Paccione's birthday is 08/16/1970, and is 54 years old. Deborah's home address is 11738 Lanier Creek Drive , Jacksonville, FL 32258. Associates and relatives include Philip Aleman, Andrew Avitabile and others. Latest phone numbers include (347) 764-3365 and (347) 825-2921.
Inga Avitabile's address is: 12045 Ambrosia Court , Jacksonville, FL 32223. Some of Inga Avitabile's relatives are Andrew Avitabile, Deborah Avitabile and others. The phone number we have for Inga is (347) 934-3376. Inga Avitabile's email address is iav****
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