Shantay Short was born in 1978, age 46. Shantay Short's address is 5418 Kinsale Lane , Charlotte, NC 28215. Possible relatives include Marcus Short. Public records show Shantay has also lived in Charlotte, NC. Shantay's latest phone number is (704) 391-0433. Previous phone numbers include (704) 394-9707 and (704) 394-9719.
Helen Mccoy's current address is 1908 Finchley Drive , Charlotte, NC 28215. Helen's age is 66 years old (1958). Phone numbers associated with Helen are (401) 849-7129 and (704) 535-4311. Helen has also lived in New London, CT and Cherryville, NC.
Ruth Harmon's birthday is 01/01/1924, and is 101 years old. Ruth's home address is 4014 Woodgreen Terrace , Charlotte, NC 28205. Associates and relatives include Harald Harmon, Lisanne Harmon and others. Latest phone numbers include (704) 332-7610 and (704) 535-4311. Ruth's email is llo****
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