Rolando Caso was born in 1949, age 75. Rolando Caso's address is 6615 Cow Hollow Drive , Charlotte, NC 28226. Possible relatives include Diana Alvarez, Deborah Mendez and 4 others. Rolando's latest phone number is (704) 394-9719. Previous phone numbers include (704) 759-1220.
Shantay Short's current address is 5418 Kinsale Lane , Charlotte, NC 28215. Shantay's age is 46 years old (1978). Phone numbers associated with Shantay are (704) 391-0433 and (704) 394-9707. Shantay has also lived in Charlotte, NC.
Elena Torricella's birthday is 11/13/1953, and is 71 years old. Elena's home address is 6625 Cow Hollow Drive Apt 2211, Charlotte, NC 28299. Associates and relatives include Diana Alvarez, Rolando Caso and others. Latest phone numbers include (305) 947-9273 and (704) 231-5894. Elena's email is ele****
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