Stefanie Gifford was born in 1977, age 46. Stefanie Gifford's address is 1728 Emigrant Pass Road , Bakersfield, CA 93308. Possible relatives include Craig Gifford, Frank Gifford and 5 others. Public records show Stefanie has also lived in Bakersfield, CA and Hanford, CA. Stefanie's latest phone number is (661) 303-3457. Previous phone numbers include (661) 332-2710 and (661) 387-1914. The latest email address for Stefanie Gifford is ste****
Pattie Tibbs's current address is 6 Zanzibar Terrace Drive , Morro Bay, CA 93442. Pattie's age is 77 years old (1947). Phone numbers associated with Pattie are (415) 670-0051 and (619) 379-1436. Pattie has also lived in Bakersfield, CA and Lake Isabella, CA. The latest email used to communicate with Pattie Tibbs is pat****
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