Iris Diaz's address is 46 Delmar Street , Rochester, NY 14606. Possible relatives include Benjamin Abril, Jose Abril and 3 others. Public records show Iris has also lived in Rochester, NY. Iris's latest phone number is (585) 232-7962. Previous phone numbers include (585) 413-3648 and (585) 467-0228.
Rosa Acosta's current address is 68 Springfield Avenue , Rochester, NY 14609. Rosa's age is 44 years old (1980). Phone numbers associated with Rosa are (585) 413-3648. The latest email used to communicate with Rosa Acosta is rac****
Joseph Kasian's birthday is 07/14/1974, and is 50 years old. Joseph's home address is 1261 Holley Road , Webster, NY 14580. Associates and relatives include Joseph Kasian, Patricia Kasian and others. Latest phone numbers include (585) 236-1348 and (585) 413-3648.
Delia Acosta's address is: 68 Springfield Avenue , Rochester, NY 14609. Address history includes Rochester. Some of Delia Acosta's relatives are Rosa Acosta. The phone number we have for Delia is (585) 290-6685. Delia Acosta's email address is dga****
Ruth Kasian was born in 1938, age 85. Ruth Kasian's address is 1261 Holley Road , Webster, NY 14580. Possible relatives include Joseph Kasian, Kathaleen Schimdt and 5 others. Public records show Ruth has also lived in Geneseo, NY and Niagara Falls, NY. Ruth's latest phone number is (585) 236-1348. Previous phone numbers include (585) 355-2428 and (585) 413-3648.
Jerome Kirkland's current address is 36 Fir Street , Denmark, SC 29042. Jerome's age is 63 years old (1961). Phone numbers associated with Jerome are (585) 413-3648 and (585) 467-7987.
Zachary's home address is 6 Slate Drive , North Chili, NY 14514. Associates and relatives include Catherine Cesareo, Andrew Krause and others. Latest phone numbers include (585) 353-8859 and (585) 413-3648.
Results 1 - 7 of 7