Joseph Balk was born in 1957, age 67. Joseph Balk's address is 1150 Meadow Vista Road , Meadow Vista, CA 95722. Possible relatives include Carly Balk, Dillon Balk and 2 others. Public records show Joseph has also lived in Applegate, CA and Auburn, CA. Joseph's latest phone number is (530) 305-0790. Previous phone numbers include (530) 632-8883 and (530) 878-0897. The latest email address for Joseph Balk is bal****
Bartley Backus's current address is 21260 Snooks Road , Colfax, CA 95713. Bartley's age is 80 years old (1944). Phone numbers associated with Bartley are (530) 637-4390 and (530) 637-4398. Bartley has also lived in Auburn, CA and Meadow Vista, CA.
Mckinley Straine's birthday is 04/25/1921, and is 103 years old. Mckinley's home address is 1150 Meadow Vista Road , Meadow Vista, CA 95722. Associates and relatives include Ruthellen Straine. Latest phone numbers include (530) 878-1260.
Dana Balk's address is: 1150 Meadow Vista Road , Meadow Vista, CA 95722. Address history includes Applegate and Auburn. Some of Dana Balk's relatives are Carly Balk, Joseph Balk and others. The phone number we have for Dana is (530) 878-0897. Dana Balk's email address is bal****
Ruthellen Straine was born in 1925, age 99. Ruthellen Straine's address is 1150 Pine Vista Lane , Meadow Vista, CA 95722. Possible relatives include Mckinley Straine. Ruthellen's latest phone number is (530) 878-1260. Previous phone numbers include (661) 397-4835.
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