Teresa Francis was born in 1957, age 67. Teresa Francis's address is 962 Carson Drive , Lebanon, OH 45036. Possible relatives include Kayla Alexander, Anne Francis and 5 others. Public records show Teresa has also lived in Middletown, OH. Teresa's latest phone number is (513) 288-5952. Previous phone numbers include (513) 786-1248 and (513) 932-2690. The latest email address for Teresa Francis is bda****@msn.com.
Cynthia Waldroff's current address is 4221 Washington Avenue , Cincinnati, OH 45211. Cynthia's age is 70 years old (1953). Phone numbers associated with Cynthia are (513) 284-8457 and (513) 288-5952. Cynthia has also lived in Cincinnati, OH and Dayton, OH. The latest email used to communicate with Cynthia Waldroff is cwa****@yahoo.com.
Brent Francis's birthday is 08/20/1987, and is 37 years old. Brent's home address is 962 Carson Drive , Lebanon, OH 45036. Associates and relatives include Kayla Alexander, Anne Francis and others. Latest phone numbers include (281) 744-4733 and (513) 288-5952. Brent's email is bda****@msn.com.
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