Tanya Seldon was born in 1960, age 64. Tanya Seldon's address is 1749 Hamilton Street , Toledo, OH 43607. Possible relatives include Jaquan Coleman, Dennis Seldon and 10 others. Public records show Tanya has also lived in Toledo, OH. Tanya's latest phone number is (419) 244-6158. Previous phone numbers include (419) 245-6733 and (419) 283-3172. The latest email address for Tanya Seldon is tse****@yahoo.com.
Jude Aubry's current address is 736 Grand Valley Drive , Maumee, OH 43537. Jude's age is 83 years old (1940). Phone numbers associated with Jude are (419) 241-4288 and (419) 242-1400. Jude has also lived in Saint Paul, MN and Holland, OH.
Melvin Johnson's birthday is 10/24/1939, and is 84 years old. Melvin's home address is 2520 N Holland Sylvania Road , Toledo, OH 43615. Associates and relatives include Kyoko Johnson, Marvin Johnson and others. Latest phone numbers include (419) 392-0276 and (419) 531-3220.
Percy Johnson's address is: 559 Austin Street , Toledo, OH 43608. Address history includes Oregon. The phone number we have for Percy is (419) 244-1501.
Craig Washington was born in 1955, age 69. Craig Washington's address is 4425 Sheri Lane , Toledo, OH 43614. Possible relatives include Tanya Seldon, Alan Washington and 8 others. Public records show Craig has also lived in Toledo, OH. Craig's latest phone number is (419) 389-5943. Previous phone numbers include (419) 535-1305 and (419) 535-7359. The latest email address for Craig Washington is clo****@aol.com.
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