Henry Tafoya was born in 1916, age 108. Henry Tafoya's address is 4405 Concerto Drive , San Jose, CA 95111. Possible relatives include Imelda Davis, Erik Hostler and 3 others. Public records show Henry has also lived in Modesto, CA. Henry's latest phone number is (408) 728-7537.
Imelda Davis's current address is 5284 Rutherglen Place , San Jose, CA 95136. Imelda's age is 69 years old (1955). Phone numbers associated with Imelda are (408) 293-7476 and (408) 578-0846.
Chris Stroman's birthday is 08/16/1993, and is 31 years old. Chris's home address is 4767 Snow Drive , San Jose, CA 95111. Associates and relatives include Ruth Rosado, Mctate Stroman and others. Latest phone numbers include (408) 252-9521 and (408) 300-0447. Chris's email is app****@gmail.com.
Some of Selena Knippen's relatives are Andrea Bruning, Rebecca Cachux and others. The phone number we have for Selena is (408) 529-1972. Selena Knippen's email address is sel****@flextronics.com.
Frances Tafoya was born in 1931, age 93. Frances Tafoya's address is 4405 Concerto Drive , San Jose, CA 95111. Possible relatives include Imelda Davis, Erik Hostler and 3 others. Public records show Frances has also lived in Modesto, CA. Frances's latest phone number is (319) 573-1096. Previous phone numbers include (408) 578-0846 and (408) 728-7537. The latest email address for Frances Tafoya is eta****@att.net.
Michele Salotti's current address is 622 Lyonburry Place , San Jose, CA 95123. Michele's age is 58 years old (1965). Phone numbers associated with Michele are (408) 281-8020 and (408) 357-7541. Michele has also lived in Castro Valley, CA. The latest email used to communicate with Michele Salotti is mic****@aol.com.
Christina Lawson's birthday is 01/23/1977, and is 47 years old. Christina's home address is 5614 Lathrop Drive , San Jose, CA 95123. Associates and relatives include Mohammed Jameel, Larry Lawson and others. Latest phone numbers include (408) 224-9204 and (408) 281-8452. Christina's email is chr****@hotmail.com.
Selena Knippen's address is: 2985 Booksin Avenue , San Jose, CA 95125. Some of Selena Knippen's relatives are Selena Knippen. The phone number we have for Selena is (408) 728-7537. Selena Knippen's email address is sel****@flextronics.com.
Marki Tafoya was born in 1988, age 35. Marki Tafoya's address is 1364 Woodman Court , San Jose, CA 95196. Possible relatives include Imelda Davis, Erik Hostler and 6 others. Public records show Marki has also lived in Modesto, CA. Marki's latest phone number is (408) 217-3644. Previous phone numbers include (408) 376-1929 and (408) 449-7413. The latest email address for Marki Tafoya is bry****@rocketmail.com.
Erik Hostler's current address is 1332 Greenbrier Lane , Modesto, CA 95355. Erik's age is 44 years old (1980). Phone numbers associated with Erik are (408) 417-4459 and (408) 728-7537.
Ruth Rosado's birthday is 08/13/1973, and is 51 years old. Ruth's home address is 22491 De Berry Street Apt 150, Grand Terrace, CA 92313. Associates and relatives include Sunshine Reyes, Jose Rosado and others. Latest phone numbers include (408) 300-0447 and (408) 728-7537.
Ruth Stroman's address is: 4767 Snow Drive , San Jose, CA 95111. Address history includes San Jose. The phone number we have for Ruth is (408) 300-0447. Ruth Stroman's email address is app****@gmail.com.
Results 1 - 12 of 12