Found 5 People with (319) 347-2413 Phone Number

Results 1 - 5 of 5

Juli Strasser was born in 1967, age 57. Juli Strasser's address is 1845 Huntington Road , Waterloo, IA 50701. Possible relatives include Christopher Grill, James Grill and 6 others. Public records show Juli has also lived in Fresno, CA and Squaw Valley, CA. Juli's latest phone number is (319) 240-4615. Previous phone numbers include (319) 242-8237 and (319) 346-8051. The latest email address for Juli Strasser is big****

Also goes by: Juli Anthea Grill, Julie Anthea Grill, Juli Anthea Srigley, Julie Anthea Srigley
Related to: Christopher Grill, Christopher Grill, James Grill, Jason Grill, Jason Grill
Phone Numbers: (319) 240-4615, (319) 242-8237, (319) 346-8051, (319) 347-2413, (319) 347-2417
Address History: 1845 Huntington Road, Waterloo, IA 50701; 6110 E Alta Avenue, Fresno, CA 93727; Squaw Valley, CA 93675; Aplington, IA 50604; Cedar Falls, IA 50613

Julie Grill's current address is 727 Nash Street , Aplington, IA 50604. Phone numbers associated with Julie are (319) 240-4615 and (319) 347-2413. The latest email used to communicate with Julie Grill is big****

Related to: Christopher Grill, James Grill, Jason Grill, Juli Strasser, Norbert Strasser
Phone Numbers: (319) 240-4615, (319) 347-2413, (319) 347-2417

June Heitland's birthday is 06/27/1920, and is 104 years old. June's home address is 504 13th Street , Aplington, IA 50604. Associates and relatives include Jami Dolezal, Russ Heitland and others. Latest phone numbers include (319) 347-2413 and (515) 473-2005.

Phone Numbers: (319) 347-2413, (515) 473-2005, (641) 847-0151, (941) 473-2005
Address History: 504 13th Street, Aplington, IA 50604; 150 Old Englewood Road, Englewood, FL 34223; Tallahassee, FL 32317; Ackley, IA 50601

Russell Heitland's address is: 150 Old Englewood Road Lot 9, Englewood, FL 34223. Some of Russell Heitland's relatives are Barbara Heitland, June Heitland and others. The phone number we have for Russell is (319) 347-2413.

Also goes by: Russ Warren Heitland, Russell Warren Heitland
Phone Numbers: (319) 347-2413, (515) 473-2005, (641) 847-0151, (813) 473-2005, (941) 473-2005

Norbert Strasser was born in 1960, age 64. Norbert Strasser's address is 1845 Huntington Road , Waterloo, IA 50701. Possible relatives include Christine Blackmer, Joseph Grill and 3 others. Public records show Norbert has also lived in Aplington, IA and Cedar Falls, IA. Norbert's latest phone number is (319) 242-8237. Previous phone numbers include (319) 296-2697 and (319) 296-3106. The latest email address for Norbert Strasser is nor****

Also goes by: N Strasser
Related to: Christine Blackmer, Joseph Grill, Julie Grill, Ava Neighbors, Juli Strasser
Phone Numbers: (319) 242-8237, (319) 296-2697, (319) 296-3106, (319) 346-8051, (319) 347-2413
Address History: 1845 Huntington Road, Waterloo, IA 50701; 727 Nash Street, Aplington, IA 50604; Cedar Falls, IA 50613; Evansdale, IA 50707; Parkersburg, IA 50665

Results 1 - 5 of 5