Julia Dewalt was born in 1979, age 45. Julia Dewalt's address is 2926 Bertrand Street , Houston, TX 77093. Possible relatives include Minnie Collins. Public records show Julia has also lived in Houston, TX. Julia's latest phone number is (281) 219-3609. Previous phone numbers include (281) 442-0248 and (281) 442-8914.
Shaun Green's current address is 15165 Vickery Drive , Houston, TX 77032. Shaun's age is 46 years old (1978). Phone numbers associated with Shaun are (281) 442-0248 and (281) 449-1711. Shaun has also lived in Houston, TX.
Manuel Cruz's birthday is 05/26/1931, and is 93 years old. Manuel's home address is 14925 Solera Drive , Austin, TX 78717. Associates and relatives include Brittany Cruz, Cecilia Cruz and others. Latest phone numbers include (281) 442-0248 and (281) 987-9895.
Yesenia Leza's address is: 4505 Aldine Mail Road Apt 808, Houston, TX 77039. Some of Yesenia Leza's relatives are Arnoldo Cadena, Delfino Cadena and others. The phone number we have for Yesenia is (281) 442-0248. Yesenia Leza's email address is b_l****@centurytel.net.
Sandy Espinosa was born in 1960, age 64. Sandy Espinosa's address is 2122 Greenbriar Colony Drive , Houston, TX 77032. Possible relatives include Joe Espinosa, Vivica Espinosa and 16 others. Public records show Sandy has also lived in Spring, TX. Sandy's latest phone number is (281) 219-2366. Previous phone numbers include (281) 442-0248.
Jesse Cruz's current address is 818 Richcrest Drive Apt 511, Houston, TX 77060. Jesse's age is 42 years old (1982). Phone numbers associated with Jesse are (281) 442-0248. Jesse has also lived in Houston, TX.
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