Leonard Sturgeon was born in 1936, age 87. Leonard Sturgeon's address is 3284 Warringwood Drive Apt B, Birmingham, AL 35216. Possible relatives include Tamika Dunning, April Logan and 7 others. Public records show Leonard has also lived in Birmingham, AL. Leonard's latest phone number is (205) 824-8118. Previous phone numbers include (205) 925-3552.
Jema Morley's current address is 9601 South Iron Gate Road , South Jordan, UT 84095. Jema's age is 74 years old (1950). Phone numbers associated with Jema are (205) 925-3552 and (503) 254-6040. Jema has also lived in Portland, OR. The latest email used to communicate with Jema Morley is jem****@earthlink.net.
Earnestine Sturgeon's birthday is 01/18/1939, and is 85 years old. Earnestine's home address is 4021 Grasselli Avenue Southwest, Birmingham, AL 35221. Associates and relatives include Tamika Dunning, April Logan and others. Latest phone numbers include (205) 925-3552 and (334) 492-0538.
April Logan's address is: 5184 Beacon Drive , Birmingham, AL 35210. Some of April Logan's relatives are Crystal Butler, Tamika Dunning and others. The phone number we have for April is (205) 786-5437. April Logan's email address is akl****@worldnet.att.net.
Donnay Sturgeon's address is 4305 Carver Avenue Southwest, Birmingham, AL 35221. Possible relatives include Tamika Dunning, April Logan and 10 others. Donnay's latest phone number is (205) 320-2523. Previous phone numbers include (205) 715-3412 and (205) 747-4244.
Leonard Sturgeon's current address is 4021 Grasselli Avenue Sw, Birmingham, AL 35221. Leonard's age is 87 years old (1936). Phone numbers associated with Leonard are (205) 824-8118 and (205) 925-3552. Leonard has also lived in Birmingham, AL.
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