Johnnie Stokes was born in 1976, age 48. Johnnie Stokes's address is 2430 North Homewood Avenue , Springfield, MO 65803. Possible relatives include John Adams, Sandy Andrus and 10 others. Public records show Johnnie has also lived in San Diego, CA and Brighton, MO. Johnnie's latest phone number is (417) 376-3712. Previous phone numbers include (417) 869-4213 and (417) 872-6188.
Dyellen Perry's current address is 9355 North Farm Road , Walnut Grove, MO 65770. Dyellen's age is 72 years old (1952). Phone numbers associated with Dyellen are (417) 742-0152 and (417) 742-4019. Dyellen has also lived in Walnut Grove, MO.
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