Vic Spicer was born in 1954, age 70. Vic Spicer's address is 2930 Jj Street , Canyon, TX 79015. Possible relatives include Ginger Blair, Eugene Spicer and others. Public records show Vic has also lived in Dallas, TX. Vic's latest phone number is (806) 223-5634.
Kenneth Mele's current address is 5421 39th Street , Lubbock, TX 79414. Kenneth's age is 68 years old (1956). Phone numbers associated with Kenneth are (210) 696-8503 and (210) 823-4190. Kenneth has also lived in Lubbock, TX. The latest email used to communicate with Kenneth Mele is cro****
Michael Mele's birthday is 02/10/1954, and is 70 years old. Michael's home address is 5421 39th Street , Lubbock, TX 79414. Associates and relatives include Deena Baker, Gladys Mele and others. Latest phone numbers include (806) 797-1035 and (806) 797-1783. Michael's email is cro****
Samuel Mele's address is: 5421 39th Street , Lubbock, TX 79414. Address history includes Lubbock. Some of Samuel Mele's relatives are Deena Baker, Linda Barlow and others. The phone number we have for Samuel is (806) 687-6955. Samuel Mele's email address is cro****
Gladys Mele was born in 1931, age 93. Gladys Mele's address is 5421 39th Street , Lubbock, TX 79414. Possible relatives include Deena Baker, Kenneth Mele and 2 others.
Results 1 - 5 of 5