Patricia Day was born in 1954, age 70. Patricia Day's address is 40 Wilcox Lane Apt 312, Canandaigua, NY 14424. Possible relatives include Kristina Baugh, Dale Breed and 16 others. Public records show Patricia has also lived in Canandaigua, NY and Fairport, NY. Patricia's latest phone number is (315) 781-0441. Previous phone numbers include (585) 742-3367 and (585) 905-0239.
Emily Flynn's current address is 455 Mccall Road , Rochester, NY 14616. Emily's age is 39 years old (1985). Phone numbers associated with Emily are (585) 364-3638 and (585) 425-2804. The latest email used to communicate with Emily Flynn is blo****
Joyce Coluzzi's birthday is 01/01/1964, and is 61 years old. Joyce's home address is 10 Turtlewood Trail , Rochester, NY 14626. Associates and relatives include Anna Coluzzi, Diana Coluzzi and others. Latest phone numbers include (585) 225-7106 and (585) 247-4670. Joyce's email is jco****
Chris Lawler's address is: 2539 Browncroft Boulevard , Rochester, NY 14625. Address history includes Fairport and Macedon. Some of Chris Lawler's relatives are Brian Lawler, Margaret Lawler and others. The phone number we have for Chris is (585) 781-8195. Chris Lawler's email address is rhy****
Laura Breed was born in 1959, age 65. Laura Breed's address is 75 Old Post Road , Fairport, NY 14450. Possible relatives include Dale Breed, David Breed and 7 others. Laura's latest phone number is (585) 414-9541. Previous phone numbers include (585) 425-3649 and (585) 657-6247. The latest email address for Laura Breed is dbr****
David Breed's current address is 75 Old Post Road , Fairport, NY 14450. David's age is 66 years old (1958). Phone numbers associated with David are (585) 414-9541 and (585) 425-3649. David has also lived in Bloomfield, NY. The latest email used to communicate with David Breed is dav****
Scott Breed's birthday is 02/19/1987, and is 37 years old. Scott's home address is 75 Old Post Road , Fairport, NY 14450. Associates and relatives include Dale Breed, David Breed and others. Latest phone numbers include (585) 425-3649. Scott's email is dbr****
Ryan Breed's address is: 75 Old Post Road , Fairport, NY 14450. Address history includes Fairport. Some of Ryan Breed's relatives are Dale Breed, David Breed and others. The phone number we have for Ryan is (585) 364-0598.
Roberta Breed was born in 1935, age 89. Roberta Breed's address is 4 Matthew Drive , Fairport, NY 14450. Possible relatives include Dale Breed, David Breed and 6 others. Roberta's latest phone number is (585) 223-2611. Previous phone numbers include (585) 364-0598 and (716) 223-2611.
Leo Breed's current address is 4 Matthew Drive , Fairport, NY 14450. Leo's age is 96 years old (1929). Phone numbers associated with Leo are (585) 223-2611 and (585) 364-0598.
Michael's home address is 4 Matthew Drive , Fairport, NY 14450. Latest phone numbers include (585) 223-2611.
Results 1 - 11 of 11