Tia Plummer's address is 7703 Ingram Road Apartment 3003, San Antonio, TX 78251. Possible relatives include Carlton Plummer, Saleema Plummer and others. Public records show Tia has also lived in Arlington, TX and Fort Worth, TX. Tia's latest phone number is (210) 580-1583. Previous phone numbers include (631) 767-0916 and (817) 204-4096.
Evelyn Zacarias's current address is 4706 Catamaran Drive Apartment 212, Fort Worth, TX 76135. Evelyn's age is 31 years old (1992). Phone numbers associated with Evelyn are (817) 366-1857 and (817) 532-7311. Evelyn has also lived in Fort Worth, TX. The latest email used to communicate with Evelyn Zacarias is eza****@pvi.com.
Scottye Jones's birthday is 07/13/1968, and is 56 years old. Scottye's home address is 146 Brushy West Trail , Fort Worth, TX 76108. Associates and relatives include Helen Jones, Jobbie Jones and others. Latest phone numbers include (478) 254-2725 and (478) 714-0838. Scottye's email is gre****@yahoo.com.
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