June Benner was born in 1928, age 96. June Benner's address is 1821 Christian Avenue Apartment 517, Toledo, OH 43613. Public records show June has also lived in Marion, IA and Perrysburg, OH. June's latest phone number is (419) 474-7750. Previous phone numbers include (419) 787-9809 and (614) 395-0531.
Terri Harris's current address is 1821 Christian Avenue Apt 524, Toledo, OH 43613. Terri's age is 60 years old (1963). Phone numbers associated with Terri are (419) 727-5933. Terri has also lived in Toledo, OH.
Grace Kovacs's birthday is 09/15/1914, and is 110 years old. Grace's home address is 1821 Christian Avenue Apartment 520, Toledo, OH 43613. Latest phone numbers include (419) 474-4627 and (419) 474-9658.
Thelma Fountain's address is: 1821 Christian Avenue Apartment 514, Toledo, OH 43613. The phone number we have for Thelma is (419) 474-2322.
Andre Roberts's address is 1821 Christian Avenue Apt 520, Toledo, OH 43613.
Gertrude Kaczmarek's current address is 1821 Christian Avenue Apt 518, Toledo, OH 43613. Gertrude's age is 108 years old (1916). Gertrude has also lived in Toledo, OH.
Elsie Milligan's birthday is 08/08/1921, and is 103 years old. Elsie's home address is 1821 Christian Avenue Apartment 518, Toledo, OH 43613. Associates and relatives include Kellie Davenport, Jill Hay and others. Latest phone numbers include (419) 473-3050 and (419) 474-7750. Elsie's email is els****@concentric.net.
Andre Roberts's address is: 1821 Christian Avenue , Toledo, OH 43613.
Jodie Chaney's address is 1821 Christian Avenue , Toledo, OH 43613. Possible relatives include Jodi Chaney. Public records show Jodie has also lived in Toledo, OH.
Alta Mercurio's current address is 1821 Christian Avenue Apartment 519, Toledo, OH 43613. Alta's age is 101 years old (1923). Phone numbers associated with Alta are (419) 475-1036 and (419) 475-9405. Alta has also lived in Oregon, OH. The latest email used to communicate with Alta Mercurio is alt****@yahoo.com.
Jacklyn Meyer's birthday is 06/09/1982, and is 42 years old. Jacklyn's home address is 1807 Christian Avenue Apt 212, Toledo, OH 43613. Associates and relatives include Boni Howard, John Meyer and others. Latest phone numbers include (419) 269-9158 and (419) 474-6622.
Cheryl Sherman's address is: 1821 Christian Avenue Apt 513, Toledo, OH 43613. Address history includes Clyde. Some of Cheryl Sherman's relatives are Cathy Bernal, Angie Davidson and others. The phone number we have for Cheryl is (419) 410-5413.
Veronica Riojas was born in 1951, age 73. Veronica Riojas's address is 1821 Christian Avenue , Toledo, OH 43613. Possible relatives include Alisha Everts, Eduardo Lopez and 4 others. Public records show Veronica has also lived in Toledo, OH and Fort Lauderdale, FL. Veronica's latest phone number is (313) 297-3087. Previous phone numbers include (352) 637-4523 and (419) 215-2003.
Christopher Browning's current address is 1821 Christian Avenue , Toledo, OH 43613. Christopher's age is 41 years old (1983). Phone numbers associated with Christopher are (419) 474-0756 and (419) 474-6417. The latest email used to communicate with Christopher Browning is clb****@gmail.com.
Thelma Feeney's birthday is 06/13/1914, and is 110 years old. Thelma's home address is 1821 Christian Avenue Apartment 514, Toledo, OH 43613. Associates and relatives include Bernard Feeney. Latest phone numbers include (419) 726-6038.
Danny Rome's address is: 1821 Christian Avenue , Toledo, OH 43613. The phone number we have for Danny is (419) 386-5562.
Asia Edwards was born in 1987, age 37. Asia Edwards's address is 1821 Christian Avenue Apt 524, Toledo, OH 43613. Public records show Asia has also lived in Toledo, OH. Asia's latest phone number is (419) 478-1338. Previous phone numbers include (419) 729-0209.
Lisa Reed's current address is 1821 Christian Avenue Apt 514, Toledo, OH 43613.
Jackie Durell's birthday is 07/24/1943, and is 81 years old. Jackie's home address is 1821 Christian Avenue , Toledo, OH 43699. Associates and relatives include Jacqueline Durell, Jodi Durell and others. Jackie's email is jac****@yahoo.com.
Jason Mellick's address is: 1821 Christian Avenue Apartment 516, Toledo, OH 43613. Address history includes Toledo. Some of Jason Mellick's relatives are John Mellick, Kim Mellick and others. The phone number we have for Jason is (419) 475-4174.
Linda Saunders was born in 1947, age 77. Linda Saunders's address is 1813 Christian Avenue Apt 320, Toledo, OH 43613. Public records show Linda has also lived in Toledo, OH. Linda's latest phone number is (419) 472-0506. Previous phone numbers include (419) 476-6951 and (419) 787-3019.
Sherrien Clark's current address is 1821 Christian Avenue #516, Toledo, OH 43613. Sherrien's age is 62 years old (1962). Phone numbers associated with Sherrien are (419) 475-1011 and (419) 534-3427. Sherrien has also lived in Toledo, OH. The latest email used to communicate with Sherrien Clark is csh****@yahoo.com.
Irene Howell's birthday is 04/26/1927, and is 97 years old. Irene's home address is 1821 Christian Avenue Apt 515, Toledo, OH 43613. Associates and relatives include Pam Poore.
Karen Maze's address is: 1803 Christian Avenue Apartment 101, Toledo, OH 43613. Address history includes Toledo. Some of Karen Maze's relatives are Denise Maze. The phone number we have for Karen is (419) 380-9363.
Roland Cuddeback was born in 1925, age 99. Roland Cuddeback's address is 1821 Christian Avenue Apartment 515, Toledo, OH 43613. Possible relatives include Barbara Cuddeback, James Cuddeback and 2 others. Public records show Roland has also lived in Augusta, GA. Roland's latest phone number is (419) 474-9552. Previous phone numbers include (614) 402-3869. The latest email address for Roland Cuddeback is rcu****@aol.com.
Results 1 - 25 of 112