Daniel Osterrieder's address is 159 Colonial Road , Stamford, CT 06906. Possible relatives include Ashley Lumento, Kathleen Osterrieder and 3 others. Public records show Daniel has also lived in Stamford, CT and Arlington Heights, IL. Daniel's latest phone number is (203) 428-6731. Previous phone numbers include (412) 364-1784 and (412) 559-1345.
Sherl Tharp's current address is 180 Colonial Road Apartment C1, Stamford, CT 06906. Sherl's age is 60 years old (1964). Phone numbers associated with Sherl are (203) 323-6924 and (856) 596-2427. Sherl has also lived in Stamford, CT and Maple Shade, NJ.
Jeremiah Mclellan's birthday is 09/13/1927, and is 96 years old. Jeremiah's home address is 180 Colonial Road Apartment A3, Stamford, CT 06906. Associates and relatives include Karen Mclellan, Devyn Nettingham and others. Latest phone numbers include (203) 323-4935. Jeremiah's email is jer****@att.net.
James Romaniello's address is: 180 Colonial Road Apt A2, Stamford, CT 06906. Address history includes Stamford. Some of James Romaniello's relatives are Chels Caputo, Brandon Romainello and others. The phone number we have for James is (203) 325-2005.
Ava Iannitti was born in 1994, age 30. Ava Iannitti's address is 180 Colonial Road Apt C4, Stamford, CT 06906. Possible relatives include Dominick Iannitti, Maria Iannitti and 2 others. Public records show Ava has also lived in Greenwich, CT. Ava's latest phone number is (203) 813-3412.
Teddi Boccuzzi's current address is 180 Colonial Road Apartment A1, Stamford, CT 06906. Teddi's age is 71 years old (1953). Phone numbers associated with Teddi are (203) 967-3349. Teddi has also lived in Stamford, CT.
Martha's home address is 180 Colonial Road Apartment C7, Stamford, CT 06906. Associates and relatives include Edward Dombroski, Lou Dombroski and others. Latest phone numbers include (203) 322-1162 and (203) 322-4678. Martha's email is edo****@snet.net.
Beverly Frankel's address is: 180 Colonial Road Apt B4, Stamford, CT 06906. Some of Beverly Frankel's relatives are Susan Finkelstein, Beth Frankel and others.
Mario Samala's address is 180 Colonial Road Apartment A7, Stamford, CT 06906. Possible relatives include Marita Perillo, Priscella Samala and 2 others. Public records show Mario has also lived in Walnut, CA. The latest email address for Mario Samala is msa****@gci.net.
Erna Petzold's current address is 180 Colonial Road Apartment C6, Stamford, CT 06906. Erna's age is 96 years old (1927). Phone numbers associated with Erna are (203) 323-9394. Erna has also lived in Stamford, CT.
Kara's home address is 180 Colonial Road Apartment B3, Stamford, CT 06906. Associates and relatives include Anne Adinolfi, Brendan Adinolfi and others. Latest phone numbers include (203) 231-4578 and (203) 488-6771.
Josephine Romaniello's address is: 180 Colonial Road Apartment A2, Stamford, CT 06906. Address history includes Stamford. Some of Josephine Romaniello's relatives are James Romanello, James Romaniello and others. The phone number we have for Josephine is (203) 323-1542. Josephine Romaniello's email address is jro****@cs.com.
Norma Samala was born in 1966, age 58. Norma Samala's address is 180 Colonial Road Apartment A7, Stamford, CT 06906. Possible relatives include Marita Perillo, Manta Samala and 4 others. Public records show Norma has also lived in Stamford, CT. Norma's latest phone number is (203) 274-0880. Previous phone numbers include (203) 975-7003. The latest email address for Norma Samala is msa****@gci.net.
Howard Weiss's current address is 180 Colonial Road Apartment B1, Stamford, CT 06906. Howard's age is 81 years old (1943). Phone numbers associated with Howard are (203) 323-0909 and (203) 327-2354. Howard has also lived in Stamford, CT.
James Sabia's birthday is 05/01/1925, and is 99 years old. James's home address is 180 Colonial Road Apt C4, Stamford, CT 06906. Associates and relatives include Alfred Sabia, Annette Sabia and others. Latest phone numbers include (203) 406-9799.
Hugu Mclaughlin's address is: 180 Colonial Road , Stamford, CT 06906. Some of Hugu Mclaughlin's relatives are Elizabeth Mclaughl, Caitlyn Mclaughlin and others.
Manta Samala was born in 1957, age 66. Manta Samala's address is 180 Colonial Road Apt A7, Stamford, CT 06906. Possible relatives include Marita Perillo, Mario Samala and 4 others. Manta's latest phone number is (203) 975-7003.
Beverly Frankel's current address is 180 Colonial Road Apt B4, Stamford, CT 06906. Beverly's age is 80 years old (1944).
Anna's home address is 180 Colonial Road Apartment C8, Stamford, CT 06906. Associates and relatives include Sara Golopol, Michelle Kempler and others. Latest phone numbers include (201) 703-4308 and (410) 764-0309.
Louise Sabia's address is: 180 Colonial Road Apt C4, Stamford, CT 06906. Address history includes Stamford. Some of Louise Sabia's relatives are Emma Hardy, Alfred Sabia and others. The phone number we have for Louise is (203) 406-9799.
Lynn Mancinelli's address is 180 Colonial Road Apartment A1, Stamford, CT 06906. Possible relatives include Teddi Boccuzzi, Heather Mancinelli and 1 others. Public records show Lynn has also lived in Stamford, CT and Hoboken, NJ. Lynn's latest phone number is (203) 253-0515. Previous phone numbers include (203) 357-9943 and (203) 967-3349.
Marilyn Dasilva's current address is 180 Colonial Road Apartment A5, Stamford, CT 06906. Marilyn's age is 69 years old (1955). Phone numbers associated with Marilyn are (203) 322-7398 and (203) 353-0735.
Jean Ward's birthday is 11/08/1935, and is 88 years old. Jean's home address is 180 Colonial Road Apt C3, Stamford, CT 06906. Associates and relatives include Jean Carucci, Matthe Ward and others. Latest phone numbers include (203) 325-1707.
Dilamar Dasilva's address is: 180 Colonial Road Apt A5, Stamford, CT 06906. Some of Dilamar Dasilva's relatives are Anibal Dasilva, Anthony Dasilva and others. The phone number we have for Dilamar is (203) 322-1580.
Thomas Ward was born in 1929, age 95. Thomas Ward's address is 180 Colonial Road Apt C3, Stamford, CT 06906. Possible relatives include Jean Carucci, Marie Mantellino and 9 others. Public records show Thomas has also lived in Fairfield, CT and Fort Pierce, FL. Thomas's latest phone number is (203) 325-1707. Previous phone numbers include (239) 596-1186 and (516) 826-2810.
Results 1 - 25 of 240