Santia Welsh was born in 1976, age 48. Santia Welsh's address is 1032 Sw Crestview Road , Prineville, OR 97754. Possible relatives include Brent Burr, Gage Burr and 14 others. Public records show Santia has also lived in Brunswick, GA and Sparks, NV. Santia's latest phone number is (503) 239-2195. Previous phone numbers include (503) 316-2652 and (503) 339-7493. The latest email address for Santia Welsh is 971****
Vanessa Arce's current address is 1727 Park Avenue Northeast, Salem, OR 97301. Vanessa's age is 38 years old (1986). Phone numbers associated with Vanessa are (503) 409-9841 and (503) 798-1315. Vanessa has also lived in Aumsville, OR and Mount Angel, OR. The latest email used to communicate with Vanessa Arce is mz_****
Sohder's home address is 1727 Park Avenue Northeast, Salem, OR 97303. Associates and relatives include Jesseleen Luhk, Christine Luke and others. Latest phone numbers include (503) 763-8917.
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