10 People found associated with 1707 Sandy POint Court, Arlington, TX

Results 1 - 10 of 10

Joyce Sanders was born in 1952, age 72. Joyce Sanders's address is 809 Stratford Drive , Bedford, TX 76021. Possible relatives include Clariece Boswell, George Boswell and 18 others. Public records show Joyce has also lived in Stamford, CT and Fort Wayne, IN. Joyce's latest phone number is (214) 437-5360. Previous phone numbers include (260) 387-6963 and (682) 503-6779. The latest email address for Joyce Sanders is js9****@hotmail.com.

Related to: Clariece Boswell, George Boswell, George Boswell, George Boswell, Justina Boswell
Address History: 809 Stratford Drive, Bedford, TX 76021; 66 Glenbrook Road Apt 3224, Stamford, CT 06902; Fort Wayne, IN 46807; Indianapolis, IN 46219; South Bend, IN 46619

Jessica Lzoano's current address is 2467 Lakeland Drive , Grand Prairie, TX 75054. Jessica's age is 39 years old (1985). Phone numbers associated with Jessica are (682) 323-4251 and (682) 518-3583.

Carlo's home address is 2467 Lakeland Drive , Grand Prairie, TX 75054. Associates and relatives include Moraima Boliz, Elva Castanedasanch and others. Latest phone numbers include (817) 205-7594 and (817) 446-6394.

James Borneman's address is: 5709 Roundup Trail , Arlington, TX 76017. Address history includes Arlington and Dallas. Some of James Borneman's relatives are Angela Borneman, Benjamin Borneman and others. The phone number we have for James is (817) 239-4931. James Borneman's email address is jbo****@txi.com.

Related to: Angela Borneman, Benjamin Borneman, Erin Borneman, Judy Borneman, Lea Borneman
Phone Numbers: (817) 239-4931, (817) 312-6425, (817) 563-9356, (972) 647-3971
Address History: 5709 Roundup Trail, Arlington, TX 76017; 5603 Amerada Circle #713, Arlington, TX 76017; Dallas, TX 75356; Kennedale, TX 76060

Judy Borneman was born in 1947, age 77. Judy Borneman's address is 5709 Roundup Trail , Arlington, TX 76017. Possible relatives include Angela Borneman, Benjamin Borneman and 6 others. Public records show Judy has also lived in Riverside, CA. Judy's latest phone number is (817) 239-4931. Previous phone numbers include (817) 312-6426 and (817) 483-9323. The latest email address for Judy Borneman is jud****@rochester.rr.com.

Carisa Oxley's current address is 6419 Scotsbluff Court , Arlington, TX 76001. Carisa's age is 53 years old (1971). Phone numbers associated with Carisa are (817) 319-4878 and (817) 466-3803. Carisa has also lived in Arlington, TX. The latest email used to communicate with Carisa Oxley is jos****@yahoo.com.

Phone Numbers: (817) 319-4878, (817) 466-3803, (817) 538-5665, (817) 962-0382

Kerry Richardson's birthday is 05/30/1958, and is 66 years old. Kerry's home address is 1006 Lincoln Way Unit 306, Ames, IA 50010. Associates and relatives include Lisa Horkey, Rhonda Hutt and others. Latest phone numbers include (817) 516-7543.

Related to: Lisa Horkey, Rhonda Hutt, Laura Oakley, Janice Prothero, Cameron Richardson
Phone Numbers: (817) 516-7543

Michelle Richardson's address is: 1707 Sandy Point Court , Arlington, TX 76018. Address history includes Fort Worth. Some of Michelle Richardson's relatives are Laura Oakley, Janice Prothero and others. The phone number we have for Michelle is (817) 516-7543.

Phone Numbers: (817) 516-7543

Joseph Oxley was born in 1976, age 48. Joseph Oxley's address is 1707 Sandy Point Court , Arlington, TX 76018. Possible relatives include Brianna Moore, Carisa Oxley and 3 others. Public records show Joseph has also lived in Arlington, TX. Joseph's latest phone number is (401) 749-2867. Previous phone numbers include (817) 319-4878 and (817) 419-7351. The latest email address for Joseph Oxley is ccm****@chartermi.net.

Spencer Eldridge's current address is 1707 Sandy Point Court , Arlington, TX 76018. Phone numbers associated with Spencer are (214) 229-2037 and (214) 715-4348. Spencer has also lived in Long Beach, CA and Dallas, TX.

Also goes by: Spencer Eldridge
Related to: Joyce Sanders
Address History: 1707 Sandy Point Court, Arlington, TX 76018; 1049 Lewis Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90813; Dallas, TX 75237; Duncanville, TX 75137

Results 1 - 10 of 10