Michele Avitable was born in 1974, age 50. Michele Avitable's address is 68 Bay Path Way , Branford, CT 06405. Possible relatives include Deborah Apuzzo, Jennifer Avitabile and 3 others. Public records show Michele has also lived in Branford, CT and East Haven, CT. Michele's latest phone number is (203) 218-7178. Previous phone numbers include (203) 239-6710 and (203) 440-2082.
James Plano's current address is 490 Pool Road , North Haven, CT 06473. James's age is 64 years old (1960). Phone numbers associated with James are (203) 239-4814 and (203) 745-5307.
Jennifer Avitabile's birthday is 05/06/1980, and is 44 years old. Jennifer's home address is 15 Wilson Avenue , North Haven, CT 06473. Associates and relatives include Deborah Apuzzo, Michelle Avitabile and others. Latest phone numbers include (203) 234-2628 and (203) 234-2872. Jennifer's email is dav****@gmail.com.
Michelle Avitabile's address is: 15 Wilson Avenue , North Haven, CT 06473. Some of Michelle Avitabile's relatives are Deborah Apuzzo, Jennifer Avitabile and others. The phone number we have for Michelle is (203) 239-0061. Michelle Avitabile's email address is mav****@msn.com.
Mary Apuzzo was born in 1926, age 98. Mary Apuzzo's address is 15 Wilson Avenue , North Haven, CT 06473. Possible relatives include Deborah Apuzzo, Louis Apuzzo and others. Public records show Mary has also lived in West Haven, CT.
Frederick Avitable's current address is 15 Wilson Avenue , North Haven, CT 06473. Frederick's age is 73 years old (1951). Phone numbers associated with Frederick are (203) 234-2872 and (203) 239-2612.
Deborah Avitabile's birthday is 12/23/1952, and is 71 years old. Deborah's home address is 15 Wilson Avenue , North Haven, CT 06473. Associates and relatives include Louis Apuzzo, Mary Apuzzo and others. Latest phone numbers include (203) 234-2872 and (203) 239-2612. Deborah's email is dav****@worldnet.att.net.
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