Daniel Walter was born in 1972, age 52. Daniel Walter's address is 515 W Briar Place Apt 103, Chicago, IL 60657. Possible relatives include Isabella Quattrocchi, Floare Walter and 2 others. Public records show Daniel has also lived in Chicago, IL and Elmwood Park, IL.
Oliver Varga's current address is 335 Plymouth Court , Sycamore, IL 60178. Oliver's age is 59 years old (1965). Phone numbers associated with Oliver are (312) 761-4105 and (773) 255-7627. Oliver has also lived in Barrington, IL and Chicago, IL.
Florentinaa Banistean's birthday is 09/01/1974, and is 50 years old. Florentinaa's home address is 16 Honeysuckle Rose Lane W536, Willowbrook, IL 60527. Associates and relatives include Felicia Ardelean, Ioan Banistean and others. Latest phone numbers include (708) 456-3514 and (773) 338-0495.
Rafila Banistean's address is: 5850 West Henderson Street , Chicago, IL 60634. Address history includes Barrington and Elmwood Park. Some of Rafila Banistean's relatives are Felicia Ardelean, Florentinaa Banistean and others. The phone number we have for Rafila is (312) 463-0469.
William Atkin was born in 1963, age 60. William Atkin's address is 144 Vance Court , Barrington, IL 60010. Possible relatives include Laura Anderson, Arthur Atkin and 2 others. Public records show William has also lived in Barrington, IL and Lake Barrington, IL. William's latest phone number is (608) 848-5429. Previous phone numbers include (708) 383-7586 and (708) 848-5429.
John Banistean's current address is 2907 North 73rd Court , Elmwood Park, IL 60707. John's age is 58 years old (1966). Phone numbers associated with John are (312) 463-0469 and (312) 478-1843. John has also lived in Barrington, IL and Chicago, IL. The latest email used to communicate with John Banistean is joh****@collegeclub.com.
Christopher's home address is 144 Vance Court , Barrington, IL 60010. Associates and relatives include Laura Anderson, Arthur Atkin and others. Latest phone numbers include (847) 842-8516.
Radu Banistean's address is: 2129 N 75th Court , Elmwood Park, IL 60707. Address history includes Bensenville and Chicago. Some of Radu Banistean's relatives are Felicia Ardelean, Florentinaa Banistean and others. The phone number we have for Radu is (773) 907-9525.
Alan Wayman was born in 1943, age 81. Alan Wayman's address is 9022 North Milwaukee Avenue , Niles, IL 60714. Possible relatives include Tracey Horvath, Bonnie Wayman and 1 others. Public records show Alan has also lived in Arlington Heights, IL and Barrington, IL. Alan's latest phone number is (708) 382-2893. Previous phone numbers include (773) 777-8077 and (847) 299-6766. The latest email address for Alan Wayman is ala****@awprinting.com.
Ioan Banistean's current address is 2551 N 72nd Court , Elmwood Park, IL 60707. Ioan's age is 82 years old (1942). Phone numbers associated with Ioan are (708) 456-2871 and (708) 463-0469.
Bonnie Wayman's birthday is 12/01/1941, and is 82 years old. Bonnie's home address is 35623 N Marine Drive , Fox Lake, IL 60020. Associates and relatives include Tracey Horvath, Tiffany Potempa and others. Latest phone numbers include (309) 292-0066 and (708) 382-2893.
Laura Anderson's address is: 144 Vance Court , Lake Barrington, IL 60010. Some of Laura Anderson's relatives are Arthur Atkin, Christopher Atkin and others. The phone number we have for Laura is (847) 842-8516.
Margaret Orbesen was born in 1924, age 99. Margaret Orbesen's address is 144 Vance Court # 159, Lake Barrington, IL 60010. Public records show Margaret has also lived in Palm City, FL. Margaret's latest phone number is (772) 288-2990.
Margaret Orbesen's current address is 2312 Sw Longwood Drive , Palm City, FL 34990. Margaret's age is 99 years old (1924). Phone numbers associated with Margaret are (772) 288-2990 and (847) 414-5673. Margaret has also lived in Lake Barrington, IL.
Robert Orbesen's birthday is 06/30/1922, and is 102 years old. Robert's home address is 2312 Sw Longwood Drive , Palm City, FL 34990. Associates and relatives include Lauren Colombo, Eric Orbesen and others. Latest phone numbers include (772) 288-2990 and (847) 381-4049.
Results 1 - 15 of 15