Joyce Craig was born in 1955, age 69. Joyce Craig's address is 4465 Katherine Avenue , Sherman Oaks, CA 91423. Possible relatives include Marcus Craig, Shainnon Craig and 3 others. Public records show Joyce has also lived in Canyon Country, CA and Encino, CA. Joyce's latest phone number is (661) 298-6768. Previous phone numbers include (661) 520-8730 and (661) 621-1937. The latest email address for Joyce Craig is hyd****
Julia Morris's current address is 9751 Po Box , Glendale, CA 91226. Phone numbers associated with Julia are (661) 670-9929 and (818) 744-5968. Julia has also lived in Glendale, CA and San Fernando, CA.
Diontre Parker's birthday is 03/24/1988, and is 36 years old. Diontre's home address is 9809 Karen Avenue , California City, CA 93505. Associates and relatives include Lemuel Parker. Latest phone numbers include (818) 365-5877 and (818) 802-3566. Diontre's email is djl****
Antonia Ortiz's address is: 9433 Canterbury Avenue , Arleta, CA 91331. Some of Antonia Ortiz's relatives are Pedro Canales, Eulalia Diaz and others.
Lemuel Parker was born in 1988, age 36. Lemuel Parker's address is 13137 Del Sur Street , San Fernando, CA 91340. Possible relatives include Diontre Parker. The latest email address for Lemuel Parker is djl****
Marlik Morris's current address is 13137 Del Sur Street , San Fernando, CA 91340. Marlik's age is 44 years old (1980). Phone numbers associated with Marlik are (818) 744-5968. The latest email used to communicate with Marlik Morris is mmr****
Lynette Jones's birthday is 09/25/1958, and is 66 years old. Lynette's home address is 13137 Del Sur Street , San Fernando, CA 91340. Associates and relatives include Richard Clark. Latest phone numbers include (818) 365-5437 and (818) 365-5877. Lynette's email is lyn****
Dwight Mcduff's address is: 13137 Del Sur Street , San Fernando, CA 91340. Address history includes Canoga Park and Panorama City. Some of Dwight Mcduff's relatives are Amory Mcduff, Cierra Mcduff and others. The phone number we have for Dwight is (818) 833-0150.
Robert Daniel was born in 1935, age 89. Robert Daniel's address is 13137 Del Sur Street , San Fernando, CA 91340. Possible relatives include Everett Daniel, Phyllis Daniel and 2 others. Robert's latest phone number is (818) 767-8078.
Nette Jones's current address is 13137 Del Sur Street , San Fernando, CA 91340.
Pedro Canales's birthday is 12/15/1954, and is 70 years old. Pedro's home address is 724 Poplar Street , Erie, PA 16502. Associates and relatives include Pedro Canales, Porfirio Canales and others. Latest phone numbers include (814) 455-4252.
Results 1 - 11 of 11