Joy Smith was born in 1974, age 50. Joy Smith's address is 205 South Highland Street , Lock Haven, PA 17745. Public records show Joy has also lived in Mc Rae, AR and Mill Hall, PA. Joy's latest phone number is (570) 377-0193. Previous phone numbers include (570) 660-5139 and (570) 753-5224.
Michael Rodo's current address is 129 Spong Hollow Road , Lock Haven, PA 17745. Michael's age is 60 years old (1964). Phone numbers associated with Michael are (239) 273-0145 and (321) 403-1581. Michael has also lived in Palm Bay, FL and Sebastian, FL. The latest email used to communicate with Michael Rodo is mic****
Shantay Rodo's birthday is 09/28/1967, and is 57 years old. Shantay's home address is 129 Spong Hollow Road , Lock Haven, PA 17745. Associates and relatives include Lois Rodo, Michael Rodo and others. Latest phone numbers include (321) 952-5669 and (407) 952-5669. Shantay's email is sro****
Philip Rodo's address is: 129 Spong Hollow Road , Lock Haven, PA 17745. Some of Philip Rodo's relatives are Michael Rodo, Shantay Rodo and others. The phone number we have for Philip is (570) 263-0495.
Maria Garland's address is 129 Spong Hollow Road , Lock Haven, PA 17745. Maria's latest phone number is (570) 753-5851.
David Edwards's current address is 6536 Stevens Road , Panama, NY 14767. David's age is 57 years old (1967). Phone numbers associated with David are (570) 748-3284 and (716) 269-4935. David has also lived in Lakeville, CT and Bemus Point, NY.
Results 1 - 6 of 6