12 People found associated with 119 Rockwood Avenue, Irwin, PA

Results 1 - 12 of 12

Robert Houseley was born in 1949, age 75. Robert Houseley's address is 1527 Alverado Avenue , Pittsburgh, PA 15216. Possible relatives include Mary Hennon, Catherine Housley and 12 others. Public records show Robert has also lived in Englewood, FL and Elizabeth, PA. Robert's latest phone number is (724) 217-4426. Previous phone numbers include (724) 244-4939 and (941) 475-4829.

Related to: Mary Hennon, Catherine Housley, Daniel Housley, David Housley, Donald Housley
Phone Numbers: (724) 217-4426, (724) 244-4939, (941) 475-4829
Address History: 1527 Alverado Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15216; 545 Wekiva River Court, Englewood, FL 34223; Elizabeth, PA 15037; Irwin, PA 15642

James Gazica's current address is 28 Dutch Glory Road , Amity, PA 15311. James's age is 71 years old (1953). Phone numbers associated with James are (412) 586-5075 and (724) 228-8686. James has also lived in Amity, PA and Fredericktown, PA. The latest email used to communicate with James Gazica is div****@washingtonscuba.com.

Also goes by: James Gazica
Related to: Alice Gazica, Noell Gazica, Rose Gazica, Thomas Gazica, Mathew Mosco
Address History: 28 Dutch Glory Road, Amity, PA 15311; 261 Dutch Glory Road, Amity, PA 15311; Fredericktown, PA 15333; Irwin, PA 15642; Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Yvonne Showman's birthday is 02/03/1935, and is 89 years old. Yvonne's home address is 1197 Mount Pleasant Road , Greensburg, PA 15601. Associates and relatives include Tracy Courtney, Kimberly Pasquino and others. Latest phone numbers include (724) 836-1981.

Related to: Tracy Courtney, Kimberly Pasquino, Jeff Showman, William Showman
Phone Numbers: (724) 836-1981

William Showman's address is: 1197 Mount Pleasant Road , Greensburg, PA 15601. Address history includes Irwin. Some of William Showman's relatives are Tracy Courtney, Kimberly Pasquino and others. The phone number we have for William is (724) 836-1981.

Phone Numbers: (724) 836-1981

Cindy Campbell was born in 1957, age 67. Cindy Campbell's address is 715 Cedar Street , Irwin, PA 15642. Possible relatives include Felecia Campbell, Joseph Campbell and 8 others. Public records show Cindy has also lived in Irwin, PA and Pittsburgh, PA. Cindy's latest phone number is (724) 255-5249. Previous phone numbers include (724) 861-0777 and (724) 861-0858.

Related to: Felecia Campbell, Joseph Campbell, Joseph Campbell, Joseph Campbell, Melissa Campbell
Phone Numbers: (724) 255-5249, (724) 861-0777, (724) 861-0858, (724) 861-0938, (724) 864-5935
Address History: 715 Cedar Street, Irwin, PA 15642; 950 10th Street Apt 6, Irwin, PA 15642; Pittsburgh, PA 15216; South Park, PA 15129

Robert Campbell's current address is 470 Manor Harrison City Road , Harrison City, PA 15636. Robert's age is 62 years old (1962). Phone numbers associated with Robert are (412) 327-9371 and (412) 595-7654. Robert has also lived in Irwin, PA and Manor, PA. The latest email used to communicate with Robert Campbell is bob****@comcast.net.

Related to: Cindy Campbell, Felecia Campbell, Joanie Campbell, Joseph Campbell, Joseph Campbell
Phone Numbers: (412) 327-9371, (412) 595-7654, (412) 854-5950, (724) 861-0777
Address History: 470 Manor Harrison City Road, Harrison City, PA 15636; 950 10th Street Apt 6, Irwin, PA 15642; Manor, PA 15665; Pittsburgh, PA 15216; South Park, PA 15129

Noell Gazica's birthday is 01/14/1983, and is 41 years old. Noell's home address is 219 N Sage Street Apt 1a, Kalamazoo, MI 49006. Associates and relatives include Alice Gazica, James Gazica and others. Latest phone numbers include (269) 342-4164 and (724) 420-5170.

Address History: 219 N Sage Street Apt 1a, Kalamazoo, MI 49006; 219 North Sage Street Apartment 1a, Kalamazoo, MI 49006; Cincinnati, OH 45223; Amity, PA 15311; Brownsville, PA 15417

Robert Housley's address is: 119 Rockwood Avenue , Irwin, PA 15642. Address history includes Englewood and Canonsburg. Some of Robert Housley's relatives are Domenic Disanto, Erminia Disanto and others. The phone number we have for Robert is (412) 344-7678. Robert Housley's email address is din****@altavista.com.

Also goes by: Robert Housley
Address History: 119 Rockwood Avenue, Irwin, PA 15642; 545 Wekiva River Court, Englewood, FL 34223; Canonsburg, PA 15317; Clairton, PA 15025; Elizabeth, PA 15037

Rosemarie Housley was born in 1933, age 91. Rosemarie Housley's address is 119 Rockwood Avenue , Irwin, PA 15642. Possible relatives include Robert Houseley, Catherine Housley and 6 others. Public records show Rosemarie has also lived in Pittsburgh, PA. Rosemarie's latest phone number is (724) 864-5939.

Phone Numbers: (724) 864-5939

Robert Campbell's current address is 119 Rockwood Avenue , Irwin, PA 15642. Phone numbers associated with Robert are (412) 595-7654.

Related to: Cindy Campbell, Nancy Campbell, Richard Campbell, Robert Campbell
Phone Numbers: (412) 595-7654

Rosemarie's home address is 119 Rockwood Avenue , Irwin, PA 15642. Associates and relatives include Cindy Campbell, Derek Fertig and others. Latest phone numbers include (724) 864-5939.

Phone Numbers: (724) 864-5939

Derek Fertig's address is: 610 Declaration Drive , Stafford, VA 22554. Address history includes Fort Lauderdale and Oakland Park. Some of Derek Fertig's relatives are Cindy Campbell, Andrew Fertig and others. The phone number we have for Derek is (206) 824-4217. Derek Fertig's email address is djc****@aol.com.

Related to: Cindy Campbell, Andrew Fertig, Cindy Fertig, Mary Fertig, Matt Fertig
Address History: 610 Declaration Drive, Stafford, VA 22554; 333 Las Olas Way Apt 1505, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301; Oakland Park, FL 33311; Irwin, PA 15642; Fredericksburg, VA 22406

Results 1 - 12 of 12