Shanay Watts's address is 3022 Mcelderry Street , Baltimore, MD 21205. Public records show Shanay has also lived in Baltimore, MD. Shanay's latest phone number is (410) 732-8731. Previous phone numbers include (443) 759-5770.
Shanay Watts's current address is 43 Liborio Lane , New Castle, DE 19720. Phone numbers associated with Shanay are (302) 328-6747 and (302) 328-6797. The latest email used to communicate with Shanay Watts is nay****
Shanay Watts's birthday is 10/19/1987, and is 37 years old. Shanay's home address is 48 Lawrence Street , New Haven, CT 06511. Associates and relatives include Barrington Bartlet, Barri Bartlett and others. Latest phone numbers include (203) 361-1657 and (203) 464-7562. Shanay's email is lig****
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