Sarafina Smith's address is 1780 San Bernardo Avenue , Memphis, TN 38116. Possible relatives include Rosemary Newman, Luther Smith and 1 others. Sarafina's latest phone number is (901) 208-8164. Previous phone numbers include (901) 237-2452. The latest email address for Sarafina Smith is lov****
Sarafina Smith's current address is 19 Po Box , Hearne, TX 77859. Phone numbers associated with Sarafina are (979) 280-0777.
Sarafina's home address is 10434 200th Street , Saint Albans, NY 11412. Associates and relatives include Harlon Smith. Latest phone numbers include (718) 740-1532.
Sarafina Smith's address is: 32695 Spinel Road , Lucerne Valley, CA 92356. Some of Sarafina Smith's relatives are Lorrie Castro, William Smith and others. The phone number we have for Sarafina is (760) 248-6616. Sarafina Smith's email address is fin****
Sarafina Smith's address is 460 Chesley Avenue , Mountain View, CA 94040. Possible relatives include Laurel Johnson, Kevin Smith and others. Sarafina's latest phone number is (650) 691-3220. The latest email address for Sarafina Smith is sar****
Sarafina Smith's current address is 3221 Woodstock Drive , Nashville, TN 37207. Phone numbers associated with Sarafina are (615) 251-8080 and (615) 750-3077. Sarafina has also lived in Madison, TN.
Sarafina Smith's birthday is 03/26/1974, and is 50 years old. Sarafina's home address is 20208 Nw 28th Court , Miami Gardens, FL 33056. Associates and relatives include Lucretia Johnson, Dominica Smith and others. Latest phone numbers include (305) 626-4697 and (305) 694-8474.
Results 1 - 7 of 7