Rita Fleetwood's address is 320 York Street , Suffolk, VA 23434. Possible relatives include Dennis Fleetwood, Rita Hayes and others. Rita's latest phone number is (757) 539-5223. The latest email address for Rita Fleetwood is dfl****@verizon.net.
Rita Fleetwood's current address is 13700 North Fountain Hills Boulevard , Fountain Hills, AZ 85268. Rita's age is 68 years old (1956). Phone numbers associated with Rita are (503) 873-2995 and (503) 873-8294. Rita has also lived in Fountain Hills, AZ and Phoenix, AZ. The latest email used to communicate with Rita Fleetwood is mee****@yahoo.com.
Rita's home address is 2538 S Main Street , Vallonia, IN 47281.
Rita Fleetwood's address is: 9705 Great Bend Drive , Las Vegas, NV 89117. Address history includes Chula Vista. Some of Rita Fleetwood's relatives are Gilbert Cortinas, Michael Cortinas and others. The phone number we have for Rita is (702) 254-9547.
Rita Fleetwood was born in 1959, age 64. Rita Fleetwood's address is 5419 E Broadmore Drive , Columbus, IN 47201. Possible relatives include Ciji Fleetwood, James Fleetwood and 3 others. Public records show Rita has also lived in Medora, IN and Salem, IN. Rita's latest phone number is (812) 447-8204. Previous phone numbers include (812) 883-1872.
Rita Fleetwood's current address is 13 Mccracken Drive , Washington, IN 47501. Rita's age is 64 years old (1960). Phone numbers associated with Rita are (812) 254-0094 and (812) 254-6496.
Rita Fleetwood's birthday is 12/01/1924, and is 99 years old. Rita's home address is 2296 Union Road Lot 24, Cheektowaga, NY 14227. Associates and relatives include Russell Fleetwood.
Some of Rita Fleetwood's relatives are Clarence Boyles, James Fleetwood and others. The phone number we have for Rita is (225) 239-5247.
Rita Fleetwood was born in 1930, age 94. Rita Fleetwood's address is 6912 Ambassador Drive , Orlando, FL 32818. Possible relatives include Gerald Fleetwood, William Fleetwood and others. Public records show Rita has also lived in Orlando, FL and Plant City, FL. Rita's latest phone number is (407) 293-3898. Previous phone numbers include (610) 798-0261.
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