Quirino Mata was born in 1944, age 80. Quirino Mata's address is 1838 Basse Road Apt 133, San Antonio, TX 78213. Possible relatives include Celia Adame, Jessica Guerrero and 11 others. Public records show Quirino has also lived in San Antonio, TX. Quirino's latest phone number is (210) 731-0537. Previous phone numbers include (210) 731-0788.
Quirino Mata's current address is 11830 Wurzbach Road , San Antonio, TX 78230. Phone numbers associated with Quirino are (210) 479-1222.
Associates and relatives include Quirino Mata, Lisa Villegas and others.
Quirino Mata's address is: 4929 Studdard Cove , Memphis, TN 38128. Address history includes Memphis. Some of Quirino Mata's relatives are Blanca Mata, Joanna Mata and others.
Quirino Mata was born in 1950, age 74. Quirino Mata's address is 9903 Raven Field Drive , San Antonio, TX 78245. Possible relatives include Ofelia Escareno, Anthony Mata and 10 others. Public records show Quirino has also lived in Memphis, TN and Millington, TN. Quirino's latest phone number is (210) 233-9410. Previous phone numbers include (210) 239-6581 and (210) 317-4981. The latest email address for Quirino Mata is mat****@altavista.com.
Quirino Mata's current address is 3535 Rivas Street , San Antonio, TX 78228. Quirino's age is 36 years old (1989). Phone numbers associated with Quirino are (210) 269-7525 and (210) 281-4326. Quirino has also lived in San Antonio, TX. The latest email used to communicate with Quirino Mata is jac****@yahoo.com.
Quirino Mata's birthday is 02/15/1945, and is 79 years old. Quirino's home address is 158 Po Box , Abernathy, TX 79311. Associates and relatives include Clara Basden, Jack Basden and others. Latest phone numbers include (806) 298-2823 and (806) 298-5181.
Results 1 - 7 of 7