Buford Whitt was born in 1943, age 81. Buford Whitt's address is 13386 Falmouth Avenue , Pickerington, OH 43147. Possible relatives include Jennifer Burchett, Natalie Dollmatsch and 3 others. Public records show Buford has also lived in Brooklyn, NY and Groveport, OH. Buford's latest phone number is (614) 861-6903. The latest email address for Buford Whitt is bwh****@adelphia.net.
Buford Whitt's current address is 13386 Falmouth Avenue , Pickerington, OH 43147. Buford's age is 82 years old (1943). Phone numbers associated with Buford are (614) 861-6903. The latest email used to communicate with Buford Whitt is bwh****@adelphia.net.
Buford's home address is 1417 W Mulberry Street , Durant, OK 74701. Latest phone numbers include (405) 924-1310.
Buford Whitt's address is: 8639 Green Street , Wheelersburg, OH 45694. Address history includes Clearwater. Some of Buford Whitt's relatives are Kathleen Whitt, Lillias Whitt and others. The phone number we have for Buford is (740) 574-6085.
Buford Whitt was born in 1923, age 101. Buford Whitt's address is 500 Murphy Hill Road , Toney, AL 35773. Possible relatives include Dorothy Whitt, Lisa Whitt and 1 others. Public records show Buford has also lived in Toney, AL. Buford's latest phone number is (256) 828-9462.
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