Buford Lundy was born in 1945, age 79. Buford Lundy's address is 365 Catherine Street , Aurora, IL 60505. Possible relatives include Betty Lundy, Meggan Lundy and 1 others. Public records show Buford has also lived in Aurora, IL. Buford's latest phone number is (630) 251-1053. Previous phone numbers include (630) 508-1600 and (630) 851-1053. The latest email address for Buford Lundy is buf****@msn.com.
Buford Lundy's current address is 11710 Bohannon Drive , Evansville, IN 47725. Buford's age is 75 years old (1949). Phone numbers associated with Buford are (812) 424-4495 and (812) 449-9569. Buford has also lived in Lake Placid, FL and Port Charlotte, FL. The latest email used to communicate with Buford Lundy is nai****@juno.com.
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