Buford Conway was born in 1942, age 82. Buford Conway's address is 1735 Po Box , Coos Bay, OR 97420. Possible relatives include Buford Conway, Waltraud Conway and 1 others. Public records show Buford has also lived in Athens, AL and Baker City, OR. Buford's latest phone number is (541) 361-6232.
Buford Conway's current address is 4559 Morgan Street , Charlotte, NC 28208. Phone numbers associated with Buford are (682) 551-5081 and (704) 399-6476. Buford has also lived in Charlotte, NC.
Buford Conway's birthday is 02/26/1914, and is 110 years old. Buford's home address is 210 6th Street , Farmington, MO 63640. Associates and relatives include Chris Conway, Marguerite Conway and others. Latest phone numbers include (573) 462-6290 and (573) 462-9044.
Buford Conway's address is: 1950 2nd Street Apartment J102, Springfield, OR 97477. Address history includes Athens and Arizona City. Some of Buford Conway's relatives are Buford Conway, Waltraud Conway and others. The phone number we have for Buford is (503) 523-7566. Buford Conway's email address is bco****@excite.com.
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