Buford Colston's address is 349 Po Box , Ipava, IL 61441. Public records show Buford has also lived in Table Grove, IL. Buford's latest phone number is (309) 753-8485.
Phone Numbers: (309) 753-8485
Address History: 349 Po Box, Ipava, IL 61441;
241 E South Street, Table Grove, IL 61482
Buford Colston's current address is 691 E Mechanic Street , Ipava, IL 61441. Phone numbers associated with Buford are (309) 753-8508.
Phone Numbers: (309) 753-8508
Address History: 691 E Mechanic Street, Ipava, IL 61441
Buford Colston's birthday is 04/15/1954, and is 70 years old. Buford's home address is 241 E South Street , Ipava, IL 61441. Associates and relatives include Heather Bainter, Amanda Colston and others. Latest phone numbers include (309) 753-8485.
Phone Numbers: (309) 753-8485
Address History: 241 E South Street, Ipava, IL 61441
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