Buford Brunson's address is 9653 Jessica Lane , Daphne, AL 36526.
Address History: 9653 Jessica Lane, Daphne, AL 36526
Buford Brunson's current address is 4479 Bedford Avenue , Mobile, AL 36619.
Address History: 4479 Bedford Avenue, Mobile, AL 36619
Buford Brunson's birthday is 06/29/1911, and is 113 years old. Buford's home address is 1007 Ne 7th Avenue , Gainesville, FL 32601. Associates and relatives include Dorothy Brunson, Evelyn Brunson and others. Latest phone numbers include (352) 376-3997 and (352) 376-7206.
Address History: 1007 Ne 7th Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32601
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